Bitget Wallet (BWB) banner
Bitget Wallet (BWB)

Bitget Wallet

Bitget Wallet is a multi-chain wallet for storing and managing cryptocurrencies.

Bitget Wallet is a secure and user-friendly digital wallet for storing, managing, and trading a wide range of cryptocurrencies. It integrates smoothly with top exchanges, allowing users to easily access and trade digital assets from a single platform. With real-time portfolio tracking and seamless transaction features, Bitget Wallet ensures efficient management of cryptocurrency investments.

Key features include multi-currency support, encrypted private key storage, and advanced security protocols, making it a safe and reliable option for handling digital assets. Additionally, BWB's interface is designed for ease of use, catering to both beginners and experienced users. The wallet's integration with leading exchanges further enhances its convenience, offering a streamlined trading experience without the need to switch platforms.

Current price


Market cap

Trading volume 24h

Fully diluted market cap

All time high price


All time low price


Token supply

0 BWB (0%)
1B BWB (100%)
142.92M BWB (14.29%)