17 Oct 202214:13
Project update

Crypto Events Recap, October 15-17
MastercardAnnounced the launch of a program that brings crypto trading to financial institutions. (source)MetaMaskAdded a function that adds instant Bank-To-Crypto transfers for U.S. customers. (source)
Société GénéraleHas been approved to operate digital asset services through its subsidiary Forge in France. (source)
BNB ChainAnnounced 8 Project Stars in October featuring Wombex, XDAO, Boba Network, and others. (source)
Pine Street Labs Raised $6M in funding from Polychain Capital, Coinbase Ventures, CoinList, and others. (source)
GeminiCameron Winklevoss has stepped down as a director of its European division. (source)
Magic EdenMoving to an optional royalty model, following the controversial trend set by X2Y2 and others. (source)
DelysiumRaised $10M in the strategic investment round led by Anthos Capital. (source)
HexensRaised $4․2 Million in seed funding led by IOSG Ventures. (source)
Krida FansLaunched the Krida Fans platform beta with rewards of up to $500 per week. (source)