25 Dec 202315:44
Project update
Crypto Events Recap, December 23-25

Crypto Events Recap, December 23-25


Set records for monthly new and active addresses, despite the week still remaining in the month. The number of active Solana network addresses has increased about 50% over its November numbers to hit over 15.6 million.


Launched GRAPE tokens buyback that will last till early January. All revenues over the festive period from Deckheads game will be used to buy back GRAPE from the open market and used to further advance initiatives in the ecosystem.


Solana Name Service is now integrated on Injective, enabling both .sol and .inj domains to be used on Injective.


Binance Web3 Wallet has completed the integration of 19 various dApps including Dodo, Maverick, WooFi, and others.


Released major Mobile App upgrades including new blockchains, enhanced filtering and sorting, funding rounds and analytics.


Introduced an updated roadmap with exciting dApps including more RWA and sustainability-focused solutions.


Selected ChainPort as the official bridge for RJV, enabling ports between BNB Chain and Step Chain.


Justin Sun announced plans to launch Coconut Chicken (CCC) memecoin on Tron Blockchain.


Curve DAO has agreed to pay $44 million in compensation to victims of the July hack.


Stargate DAO has accepted the proposal to integrate the NEAR Protocol into the crosschain bridge.