03 Sep 202021:08

ZKSwap AMA Recap
Cryptodiffer Team
Hello, everyone!đ 
We are glad to meet here:
Alex Lee. Head developer of ZKSwap
Alex Lee
Whatâs up the CryptoDiffer community!
I am Alex, head of development at ZKSwap. Excited to be here!
Cryptodiffer Team
Let's start from introduction 
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Alex Lee
Excited to share our project with yâall! 
As you may have know, we are a team that goes anon with regulatory concerns.
so I canât really share too much about myself here. đ
But what I can tell you is that our team has some OGs who joined the blockchain industry in 2013.
There are about 20 members on the team, rather distributed, and we have deep field expertise in zero-knowledge proof and smart contract development.
We began to vigorously research zero-knowledge proof in 2018 and the team was in stealth mode till aug 2020 . Our project ZKSwap, the layer2 dex with AMM model, was founded then and launched on Ethereum Ropsten network in Nov 2020.
Cryptodiffer Team
let's move on to the second question 
Q2: Can you briefly tell us what is ZKSwap in 3-5 sentences?
Alex Lee
As our project name ZKSwap suggests,
ZK means zero-knowledge, swap means itâs a dex
so in short, ZKSwpa is an AMM model layer2 dex with full Uniswap functionality but 100x faster, with zero gas fee for l2 transactions likes l2 transfer, swap, adding/removing liquity, and real-time confirmation.
Let me add a little more about the tehcnology we are based on.
ZKSwap, although is a layer2 dex, all transactions and funds are as safe as the underpinning layer1 i.e. Ethereum.
Itâs safe because it is based on a technology we developed and named ZKSpeed, a combination of ZK-Rollups, Validium and Plasma, which ensures fund security and layer2 accuracy.
We made innovations based on the current Rollup solutions and introduced ZKSpeed, the Practical Rollups, incorporates existing
layer-2 solutionsâ strengths and addresses their weaknesses with a balanced trade-off.
ZKSpeed implements a deeply optimize version of the latest zero-knowledge proof scheme PLONK, adds aggregation of multiple proofs, optimizes verification circuit, and enables GPU-compatible algorithms for higher efficiency.
To be honest, ZK-Rollups are very difficult. Not many tams have the skillset to develop. We do. đ
Layer2 is the future. And our goal is not only to launch a great defi product on layer2, we want to build the layer2 infrastructure for defi.
As you can tell, we are super thrilled and confident that we will lead the layer2 wave of defi.
Itâs quite a long intro. Iâll stop here. Letâs get to more details maybe with community questions.
Cryptodiffer Team
The last question from us before we open the chat 
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Alex Lee
Yeah, it has been a great journey since we kicked off the project 
As I mentioned, we launched on the Ethereum Ropsten testnet in Nov 2020. After that it was massive testing and optimization.
We have hosted 4 large scale testnet incentive programs and over 60k ppl around the world joined the testing.
I would say getting respected angle investors was a small milesone for us.
We closed an Angel round of $1.7m in late 2020, led by by Bixin Capital, the investment arm of Bixin, a long-time bitcoin miner and wallet operator in China and Other investors include Chinese crypto and equity funds such as SNZ Capital, FBG Capital, and Longling Capital.
Passing the security audit provided by ABDK, CertiK and SlowMist recently was another major milestone.
Security is the most important feature for any defi project. And we treat it with utmost priority.
The ZKSwap system's security mainly includes the security of the layer1 smart contract and the circuit security of the layer2. We worked closely with the three auditing teams on security auditing for all modules and the feedback from the audit team gives us the green light to go live on the mainnet. The audit reports from CertiK and Slowmist are available in our github.
The upcoming launch on the Ethereum mainnet will definitely be another milestone. Our launch on the Ethereum mainnet is scheduled on Feb 14th, 20:00 GMT+8.
Cryptodiffer Team
Thank you for such detailed and interesting answers!
It is time to move to the community questions part.
Cryptodiffer Community
Lets suppose your team one day disappear and I want to get my tokens back, stuck somewhere in your L2. Am I able to retrieve my money using ETH contract and avoid using your L2 infrastructure (that would disappear with a team)? That's the way my money was safe on Etherdelta. 
Alex Lee
Wow, one of the best questions! Yes, your funds are SAFE at all times because of Smart Contracts and ZK-Rollups Technology. Thanks to ZK-Rollups technology and smart contracts, usersâ assets on ZKSwap will always be locked in the layer1 smart contracts even if the ZKSwap team disappers, and no one but the user will have access to these funds. Thatâs the merit of a decentralized exchange and the security advantage of ZK-Rollups technology. We have even simulated an emergency shutdown event to show the community this: https://medium.com/zkswap/the-last-test-before-mainnet-zkswap-emergency-shutdown-simulation-started-dc582143709a. 
Cryptodiffer Community
What are the advantages of ZK-Aggregation technology and how it differs from other protocols and how can the transaction TPS be increased by multiple size orders? 
Alex Lee
Awesome question. 
The logic of the Aggregative Proof is actually elementary. In a basic layer2 solution, one block corresponds to one proof of validity, and the on-chain contract verifies the proof. The average block time of Ethereum is 15s. If the on-chain contract can verify the validity of multiple proofs at one time, the cost amortized on each transaction will be greatly reduced.
Following this concept, ZKSpeed implements an Aggregative Proof scheme. With Aggregative Proof, it is still one proof for one layer2 block. Still, it aggregates multiple proofs generated within a period of time or a fixed number of blocks, and verifies their validity with zero-knowledge proof. Think of the verification process as some circuit. In this way, one on-chain verification can verify the validity of multiple layer2 block proofs.
Cryptodiffer Community
How will you deal with fraudulent pools on ZKSwap, of which there are many on Uniswap now? And what will be the conditions for listing new tokens on the ZKSwap? 
Alex Lee
Another great question! Wow, this communit is on fire. 
The initial batch of listing will be managed by the ZKSwap team, hence no fraudulent pools. https://medium.com/zkswap/zkswap-announces-trading-pairs-for-proof-of-transfee-and-proof-of-liquidity-events-39ff036e4e15.
In the future, listing will need community voting and ZKS pledging, which will root out a large number of fraudulent listings.
Cryptodiffer Community
ZKswap recently introduced Practical ZK-rollups--ZKSpeed, Achieving High TPS and LOW GAS FEES in real Layer2 DeFi usecases. The problem with this is that very little revenue is generated for the team and project; so how would you maintain the team and project in long term? 
Alex Lee
Yes, the revenue from the dex will be 0.3% transaction fees per l2 transaction. But the revenue does not go to the team. Among them, 0.25% will be automatically allocated to the liquidity provider, and the other 0.05% will be used as the protocol fee. 
One hundred fifty million ZKS will be allocated to the ZKSwap team, with a one-year lockup from the mainnet launch. Starting from the second year, 5% of the total token supply will be distributed to the ZKSwap team every year till the end of the fourth year.
As of now, our team has invested heavily in l2 node servers and all operation expenses are coverd by ourselves.
Cryptodiffer Community
You know that there are many investors in US. Maybe I think they can boost the volume and price of the ZKS itself. But somehow, theyâre restricted to using ZKSwap for some reason. how ZKSwap team solve this? 
Alex Lee
No, due to regulatory concerns and lack of clarify for defi, we will restrict services to the us users and all faco sanction listed countries. 
Cryptodiffer Community
What are your plans for developing mobile applications for Android and IOS? Indeed, in our time, many people follow the market and trade from the phone. 
Alex Lee
A great question. Mobile app for both iOS and Android are coming! Stay tuned! 
Cryptodiffer Community
ZKSwap launched Proof-of-Liquidity-Mining and Proof-of-TransFee. What are the rules for participating in events and what rewards can I receive? 
Alex Lee
Proof of Liquidity Mining(PoL) 
PoL Rewards: 1.5 million ZKS in total;
How to Participate: Users add liquidity of the 5 trading pairs specified below on ZKSwap and deposit corresponding ZKSwap LP Tokens on layer1 to get ZKS rewards. The PoL webpage interface and a detailed tutorial will be available after the mainnet launch. The ZKS reward in the PoL prize pool will be distributed linearly in real-time based on the percentage of LP Token deposited by the user to the total deposited LP Token.
PoL Duration: 7 Days(The launch date will be announced soon);
Five PoL Trading Pairs: ZKS / USDT, ETH / USDT, USDC / USDT, WBTC / USDT, and HBTC / USDT;
The reward pool for each trading pair is as follows:
Image for post
Proof-of-TransFee (PoT)
PoT Rewards: 1.5 million ZKS in total;
PoT Rules: Each trading pair will get 10% of the total PoT rewards; the user will get ZKS rewards based on the percentage of his/her trading volume to the total trading volume of the pair of that day;
PoT Duration: 7 Days(The launch date will be announced soon);
Cryptodiffer Community
How can the ZKSwap system handle nearly 10 million transfers and swap transactions every day, without compromising the quality of the user experience? 
Alex Lee
Based on the teamâs deep optimization of the ZK-Rollup Plonk Scheme, ZKSwapâs TPS can be over 100. It means the entire ZKSwap system can handle nearly 10 million transfers and swap transactions every day. 
From the usersâ point of view, their experience will be just like centralized exchanges, but with zero gas fees, real-time confirmation and self-custody of assets.
Cryptodiffer Community
What is the Proof-of-gas consensus? Why did ZKswap decide to combine the Proof-of-staking and Proof-of-gas consensus for mining events after mainnet lauch? What advantage does this have? 
Alex Lee
Hey great question. ZKSwap is a defi product and not a standalone public chain, so here Proof-of-Staking and such are not referring to consensus mechanisms but rather community mining types. 
Community mining includes:
Proof-of-Liquidity-Mining (15% of the total supply);
Proof-of-Gas (10% of total supply);
Proof-of-ZK-Snarks (15% of the total supply);
Proof-of-TransFee (10% of the total supply);
Smart Contract Staking (10% of the total supply);
Cryptodiffer Community
Is there a level2 address that is same/corresponding to level1 ERC20 address? Is this level2 address available to be accessed without using Zkswap dapp/contract? For example, can these tokens on L2 created using Zkswap be used to trade on another Level2 swap exchange? 
Alex Lee
Hi another great question. 
Yes, there is a l2 address that is the same as the l2 address. What you are refering to is a great issue pertaining layer2 solutions, the composabilty issue. For now, the composability will be only availble for defi projects that use the same l2 solution, which is why we are working hard with leading defi projects, wallet providers and promote the ZKSpeed standard.
Cryptodiffer Community
Apart of the Zk-Rollup, ZKSWAP has other interesting mechanism called Zk-sync, so can you explain what is the difference between both ? 
Alex Lee
Thanks. Great questions. 
When ZKSwap first started, ZKSwap was based on the ZKSync framework. As we delve deeper into the development, we learned that ZKSync had many issues to be solved. Zksync only supports payment and does not support token swap, and based on its open-source code, its TPS is less than 10, its layer2 still costs gas fees, and the fee is somewhat expensive. So in the subsequent development, we introduced the ZKSpeed Protocol, a practical zk-rollups solution ,incorporates existing layer-2 solutionsâ strengths and addresses their weaknesses with a balanced trade-off.
Cryptodiffer Community
Do you have plans to expand your 2-layer technology to make real-time exchanges to other projects? Many partners will benefit from this technology through agreements and sponsorships. do you have plans to expand? 
How are your marketing plans, in order to build a great community around you?
Alex Lee
Great question. Thatâs exactly what we are working towards. 
Mid-term plan: Cooperate with exchanges and wallet service providers, support ZKSwapâs Layer 2 standard, support all ERC20 free transfers (including stable coins, etc.), and support private transactions and private exchanges.
Long-term plan: Abstract the technology behind ZKSwap, build a standard Layer 2 protocol, support more DeFi projects, and use ZKSwap technology to build future DeFi on Layer 2
You will see more about ZKSwap all over the place, either mainstream media, partners, influencers and in communites like CryptoDiffer. We are working hard to introduce ZKSwap to the whole blockchain community.
Cryptodiffer Community
Does ZKSwap only support ERC-20 standards? Are you planning to implement cross-chain technology in the future? 
Alex Lee
Yeah for now itâs ERC20 only. Will let the community know when we plan to support multi-chain. 
Cryptodiffer Community
What types of transactions does ZKSwap support? Is it possible to add margin trading and isolated margin trading? 
Alex Lee
Now we support full Uniswap like functionalities on layer2, so transfer, swap, adding/removing liquidity. 
Cryptodiffer Community
80% of DEFI's applications and value are on the Ethereum network and all existing problems can be resolved in Ethereum 2.0. Will the ZKSwap project be in demand with the release of Ethereum 2.0? 
Alex Lee
Yeah sure, as Vitalik mentions in his tweet, Rollups will be the main scalability solution in the mid/short term, and it will compliment with Ethereum 2.0 once ready. 
Cryptodiffer Community
How do you plan to decentralize the governance of ZKSwap to achieve the goal of transparency and fair treatment of its members? 
Alex Lee
Great question, we have a token economics design thatâs community centric. 60% of tokens to community via mining and airdrops. Check it out here: https://medium.com/zkswap/zkswap-economy-whitepaper-31d57b10cae6 
Cryptodiffer Community
Since the ZKSwap is completely decentralized, what will be the role of ZKS token holders in governance? 
Alex Lee
Awesome question. 
ZKS is the protocol token. ZKS is a major component of the ZKSwap system. First of all, 60% of the token supply is allocated to community, 55% to community mining, 4% to airdrops to early holders and 1% airdrop other DeFi projects.
The token will be used in incentivizing the community to provide liquidity, generating and verifying the zero-knowledge proof generation and verification, using the product and contributing to the ZKSwap system in many other ways.
For the ZKS holders, the token is for ZKSwap governance, to vote or pledge to list tokens, and pledge ZKS to be a layer-2 PoZK node
Cryptodiffer Community
How will ZKSwap incentivize liquidity providers and attract market makers? How do you take market share from giants like Uniswap? 
Alex Lee
Soon after launch, we will kick off the liquidity mining programs. Check here: https://medium.com/zkswap/zkswap-announces-trading-pairs-for-proof-of-transfee-and-proof-of-liquidity-events-39ff036e4e15 
Cryptodiffer Community
On your page you have this new part called Incentive Programs where you have a Proof-of-Gas Testnet Incentive Program that already expired, how will this programs work, will anyone be able to be part of them? 
Alex Lee
We have wrapped up all testnet incentive programs. Rewards to testnet incentive programs will be sent to winnerâs l2 addresses shortly after we launch on the Ethereum mainnet. For those who have missed the testnet incentive programs, no worries, we have more coming. Just stay tuned with us by following our social media channel above. 
Alex Lee
Great questions guys! I am really impressed. 
I think itâs a good time to wrap up.
Do come to our community for more:
And You can find us heređ„°:
ZKSwap Official Website: https://zks.org/en
ZKSwap APP: https://zkswap.app
ZKSwap Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZKSwapOfficial
ZKSwap Official Telegram group: https://t.me/zkswapofficial
ZKSwap Discord: https://discord.gg/ZRxS8fYTDv
ZKSwap Medium: https://zkswapofficial.medium.com/
ZKSwap Github page: https://github.com/l2labs