11 Oct 202110:11
XP.Network AMA Recap

XP.Network AMA Recap

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Hello, everyone!😁

We are glad to meet here:

Nir Blumberger, CEO and Co-Founder @nirblumi

Dima Briukhanov, CTO @DimabXP

Nir BlumbergerNir Blumberger

Hello, let's begin

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Hello, folks. Glad to be hear

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Welcome Nir and Dima thank you for taking your time today!

Let's start with the introduction
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?

Nir BlumbergerNir Blumberger

XP.network, or XP for short is a Polkadot based no-code platform for developing NFT dApps.
It will allow content providers with no coding experience as ell as seasoned developers to create fast and secure dApps accessible from multiple, potentially all blockchains.
The key features are: 1. no-coding experience of the users, which will attract millions of people to the NFT industry, 2. Secure by architecture smart contract language - Move
Speaking about myself and the team:
I've been in the crypto industry since 2017
I started with AmaZix managing the crypto projects.
Later I joined Firmo Network who developed a unique tech for derivatives and was later acquired by eToro.
Dima has been in systems C/C++ development since the early 2000. He tought in several colleges & universities and joined our team of blockchain developers as a CTO.
Verbal Kint has more than 15 years of software development in many languages and more than 3 years of development in Rust. His experience in blockchain is invaluable for our team.
That's about it, in brief))

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

let's pass to the question about the milestones
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?

Nir BlumbergerNir Blumberger

We are strictly following our roadmap that you can find on our website https://xp.network. We have written the Alpha version of our Whitepaper (you can also find it on the website) We've been testing the Move VM and the Move smart contract language since the beginning of this year and have gained great expertise in it. We have the first of the kind NFT Multibridge (while others concentrate on token bridges). Our bridge connects Ethereum, BSC, Avalanche, Elrond and HECO and more chains will be integrated soon. We are about to launch our testent with the testnet explorer.
Here's the link to the bridge, by the way: https://bridge.xp.network

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Can you explain to us how to purchase your token? Will you have private sale and public sale event?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

You can buy from either OccamRazer which all you need is a MetaMask/TrustWallet connected to the Ethereum Network.


You can buy from BSCpad using a MeraMask/TrustWallet connected to BSC Network.

Whitelisting is available through the BSCPad and Occam directly:

BSCPad Whitelisting link:

Step by step guide on how to join IDO in BSCPad:

Occam KYC:

Occam US accredited KYC:

Occam tier structure:

Link to launchpad:

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Does your great project support staking program? If yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

The blockchain & the Multibridge Validators will have to stake their tokens to become validators. For proper TX signing they will be rewarded with the share of the TX fee. For misbahevior their stakes will be slashed. Nominaters can stake their tokens and appoint validators and share a part of their reward as well. Once governance is introduced, all the token users will stake the tokens and receive votes in return. They will vote for or against the changes in the blockchain, like TX fee rates, consensus system, etc.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

I learnd you guies are building the largest NFT dApp ecosystem. one that how will you guies connect different protocols and remove the entry barriers for non-technical entrepreneurs?

@nirblumi @DimabXP @VerbalkXP

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Right. Our multibridge will connect all the dApps our Application Editor will build with the major and potentially most of the existing blockchains. We meticulously study the NFT standards of the bridged ledger and build the compliance layer and the NFTs become transferable between chains. Check-out our demo bridge.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What problem is XP designed to solve?
The existing project is not resolved

Have you passed the review, how safe is the project, and it is your project for everyone in the world. ?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Exactly to the point. Our project is for everyone inn the world who can read & write and create quality content that people will appreciate. No coding experience is required. This will attract millions of people to the NFT industry.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

I am adept in use of programming language such as Solidity, Rust, C ++ and Go. Can the XP system allow me to create Dapps on the Network ? Can a new programmer with less experience find creating DApps easy on XPnetwork ? I wish to contribute my quota to assist your project, can you tell me how to help deliver premium content to XP Network advance the cause of your project ?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

We're hiring. Please, send us your CV and join our team. Otherwise, you can create dApps with or without coding experience with our Application Editor that will come out in December this year.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

I could read that they could be adapted to any type of NFT dApps, but among your examples I did not notice that you mentioned NFT games? Could it be that XPnetwork will not benefit or have some relation with this usefulness of NFTs in games?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

You're quite right. We did not mention games in several previous AMAs. Good to have a consistent follower. By all means, the games will be one of the main target groups for our NFT dApps. Thanks for following us!!!

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Can you tell us how SC from Elrond will help in the development of the XP Network Cross-chain NFT transfer technology ?Meanwhile, can you tell us the cost associated with the use of your NFT BRIDGE technology ? Knowing that it is an innovative technology, is it affordable or does it come with a high price ?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Reasonable question. All the TX fees in the bridge are in XPNETs. The costs will be significantly cheaper than in Ethereum or other popular chains. It would make perfect sense to mint NFTs on our chain and use the bridge to transfer it to another chains with higher rates. We comply with the OpenSea NFT metadata standard, so our NFTs should be compatible with all the EVM compatible chains out of the box and thanks to our Multibridge with the chains with different standards, like Elrond, for example.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

XP Network is currently centralized at the moment. But will there be any point in time when the governance system will be introduced to allow token holders to be able to vote for the governance proposals? If yes, what kind of decisions will users be allowed to vote on?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

You're quite right. We're currently centralized to be able to apply changes quicker. As soon as our community is ready for decentralization we will introduce it. All the tools are ready for it. The Token holders will stake the tokens and receive votes in return in proportion to the amount of tokens and the period they were locked for. The community members will vote for all the significant changes in the blockchain, including the TX fee levels, the Consensus system (should there be anything better than PoS invented one day)), what next blockchain to bridge with and much more.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Can NFT creators use templates to deploy their products on many blockchains and use the same UI?
All users have to do is to connect different wallets from different blockchains"?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

We will begin the Alpha version with a set of themes and templates that users will be choosing from, but at the later rounds we will make the UI of the created dApp as flexible as possible. If you have any specific suggestions, pls, join our group and let us know. You will be heard.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

In website you mentioned "Design, deploy, migrate - with or without code" Does your platform is suitable for new users ? Do you have any demo , video to edicate new users in crypto?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

It will be easy for the new users to create dApps with our Application Editor. We will publish the documentation , the wiki and the video tutorials that will guide you through the process.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What strategies will XP network be using to make the process of creating quality dApps without coding skills easy and affordable to the content creators? And how will you guys bring more quality content to the world of NFT?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

We will accompany our platform with the docs, wikis an video tutorials.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Hi, @nirblumi

1. Do you think NFT is here to stay?

2. If so, can you tell us a reason for that (preferably your findings if you have done any research)

Thank you πŸ™‚

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

We believe, that NFTs are here to stay and even more, we will popularize it so that it will be a part of our lives like plastic cards or mobile phones. The real NFT value is very underestimated. It is a perfect tool for sealing and validating ownership. Photographers, artists, celebrities can protect their rights by sealing their ownership writes in an NFT. Governments can issue licenses and patents as NFTs. Universities and schools can issue diplomas and certificates as NFTs. Stadiums, museums, exhibitions can mint admission tickets as NFTs.... They are here to stay for sure. Stay with us and you will see))

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

I see XP NETWORK is a great platform for Create and deploy
NFT dApps. That's really great for us. But do we need any type of KYC to build NFT in your platform? And do you guies provide with and without code facilities?

@nirblumi @DimabXP @VerbalkXP

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Security is very important. Some dApps will not require KYS from its users, but some will, like the government, universities, etc dApps will for sure.
The dApps will primarily reside on the XP.network blockchain, but they will be accessable from all the bridged chains via our Multibridge. In fact, it will be cheaper to store them in our chain than in Ethereum for example. However, if our community suggests other options - we will consider them.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Really with XPnetwork I can migrate a complete dApp from one network to another? or are you really just trying to migrate an NFT collectibles from one network to another?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Right, right now it is designed to migrate the collectibles. The dApps are meant to reside on our chain. However, like I said - we're open to discussion with our community.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Hello πŸ™‹

I don't have good knowledge to writing codes .I am NON TECHIE..But now I know
I have a Chance to
create my own NFT Dapp with XP.Network..
Thanks for thinking about non techiesπŸ™..
My question is ,

What are the basic REQUIREMENTS should I fulfil to create my own NFT Dapp within XP.Network ?Are there any TUTORIALS or DEMOs to learn more about it ?

Thank you...

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

No special requirements from you. We will supply you with all the documentation and tutorials to make your way to building your dApps easy.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Since Code won't be needed to create Dapps on Xp network, does this implies that the platform is only meant or built for the newbies? I'm sure this kind of model will be boring for season developers who are used to sophisticated technology, how do you convince them to create Dapps on the network? Is there a special section you reserved for them?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Our Application Editor will have an IDE for seasoned developers to improve, expand and change the existing dApp models. However, with power comes responsibility. Our prepared dApps will be tested, audited and verified, while the one a seasoned developer produces will not be.... But this option will be there for you. We will support you in that as well.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

🟣Why should users buy XPNET tokens in IDO to be launched on BSCPad and OccamRazer? What are the advantages and return opportunities that XPNET owners will gain in the XP ecosystem?

🟣What is Migration-Module and how is code generated here?
If a user edits and saves a new version of the code, how does the XPnetwork Compatibility Verifier tool test and verify there?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

1. The reason is simple, you're getting a chance to buy the tokens at a cheaper price in comparison to what it will be. 2. You will be one of the first token holders to be able to participate as a validator or a nominator. 3. The migration module validates whether the bytecode of the resulting dApp compiles, is valid and matches the requirements. If not, you will see the warnings and the corresponding parts of your code will be highlighted. This can happen in case you modify the dApp code manually in the IDE while violating some rules.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

XP.network will choose parachain or parallel thread, because it is difficult to get your own parachain because there are only limited slots, and what advantages will you get if you get a parachain?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

The reason is not the difficulty, but rather the economic necessity. Once we have enough transaction to the rest of the Polkadot Parachains to take part in the auction for the slot - we will gladly do so. Before that moment neither we, nor Polkadot will be interested in such a connection, since it has be working most of the time. At the moment we can connect to the slot sporadically on request. We're using the pay as you go approach for now.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Do you have a coin burn / buyback system or do you plan to increase the value of those token burn tokens and attract investors to invest?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Yes, burning the coins is on the table. But the final decision has not been taken yet.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

As I see, You also plan to Bring Photographers, Movie Celebrities, Artists, what value they will bring to the platform?

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

They are the ones who can elevate the artistic value of the tokens. We expect to experience the new Renaissance in the NFT world.

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Thanks a lot for your answers!

Nir BlumbergerNir Blumberger

Thanks for having us! πŸ™

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

our pleasure

Dima BriukhanovDima Briukhanov

Thank you for your profound questions, showing your deep understanding of the situation in the industry. It was great to be here with you!

Nir BlumbergerNir Blumberger

We're thanking the AMA organizers for a wonderful AMA!