03 Sep 202014:08

SteakBank AMA Recap
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!๐ 
We are glad to meet here:
Marcello, CEO of SingularityDAO
Marcello Mari
Hello everybody! 
thanks for having me!
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thank you for taking your time today! 
Our team has prepared 3 questions for you to start with
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community? 
Marcello Mari
My name is Marcello Mari and I'm the CEO of SingularityDAO and Director of Comms at SingularityNET!
I've joined the crypto space in 2017 in the founding team of SingularityNET. Together we did the original ICO where we raised 36mln in 66 seconds being one of the fastest ICO of all time and one fo the most famous!
My job back then was to make sure that everybody knew about SingularityNET and I had the priviledge to carry Sophia the Robot around the world to many different conferences!
than I went on leading 2 more crypto projects in 2018 and eventually came back to SingularityNET in 2019 with the role of Head of Comms first and then Director of Comms
since the summer of 2020 I've started to work on @singularitydao
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Q2: Can you introduce SingularityDAO to us? 
Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO is the first project bringing Artificial Intelligence to the world of Decentralized Finance!
You can see SingularityDAO as a decentralized crypto hedge fund powered by AI, or decentralzied crypto ETF managed by AI
our price prediction Machine LEarning algorithm will be able to automatically rebalance portfolios of crypto tokens
We call these portfolios "Dynasets". A user can simply come to our platform anc purchase a Dynaset token which is a representation of the ownership of that particular basket of tokens.
So they can hold the token and simply enjoy the profits generated by the AI, or they can also stake the token to get an LP token that can be used to farm the SDAO token, pour governance token!
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
that sounds like upcoming revolution
Marcello Mari
nobody has done that yet!
while AI has been used in traditional finance for quite sometime!
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
after this our last question becomes even more interesting! letโs talk a bit about previous and future goals 
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Marcello Mari
oh nice! 
this will be a long answer
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
we have enough time! 
Marcello Mari
the past 2/3 weeks have been extremely intense for SingularityDAO's team
we announced the closing of our private round with some of the most prestigious institutional investors in the space that support us everyday along this journey!
that process actually toke several months but it was very rewarding!
the we announced an airdrop for the loyal AGI token holder community https://medium.com/singularitydao/singularitydao-updated-airdrop-eb6fc9d2210b?source=collection_home---4------2-----------------------
this was very well recieved by our community!
AGI, btw, is the token of our mothersip company SingularityNET!
following that, we announced our Governance Generation evet that was held last week on MantraDAO where we raised 1.6mln from the AGI token holders community!
and right after we announced 2 public IDOs that are happning in 2 days on Poolz and Launchpool!
our TGE is planned for the 13th of May and we are now focused on making sure everything will go correctly during those events!
We'll then release a beta version of the SingularityDAO platform towards the end of the month with some basic functions where users will be able to purchase some intial Dynasets!
at the same time, now that we got the fundings, we are also focusing on consolidating and expanding our team to become fully indipendent from SingularityNET!
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
thanks a lot!that was a lot of valuable info๐๐ 
Marcello Mari
thank you for your questions! 
we welcome everybody to join our community on telegram @singularitydao
and follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SingularityDao
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
It is time to move to the community questions part. 
Marcello Mari
we'll have loads of announcements in the coming days! 
Cryptodiffer Community
Artificial intelligence is one of the basic elements of the SingularityDAO ecosystem. Well, do you have an expert technology team in this field so that you can use the artificial intelligence concept at the optimum level? 
Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO is a spin off project of SingularityNET the world leader in decentralzied AGI. We have 3 AI research team across the globe so we can really say hat we ARE the experts in AI :D 
Moreover we are looking to hire more dedicated AI resources to the SingularityDAO team, with specific experience in AI dev. for finance! It will be veruy excting to see how it will develop!
Cryptodiffer Community
Will the Sentiment Watcher monitor online resources to receive the Data and pass it on to other AI agents, but in the meantime there will be a control mechanism to block manipulative data and fraudulent information? 
Marcello Mari
The sentiment watcher, a.k.a sentiment analysis algorithm has been trained for years by our AI lead Dr. Anton Kolonin. He has decades of experience developing ranking systems for AI, so the AIs themselves will be able to clean the data their own by providing each others with feedback! 
Cryptodiffer Community
Some days ago, you guys tweeted that "We are currently in the process of investigating the issues around the MANTRA DAO governance generation event together with MANTRA DAO". 
Have you completed your investigation? What's the outcome?
Marcello Mari
yes! We collaborated with MantraDAO for our Governance Generation Event, however it is clear from the outcome of the process that something didn't go as planned. 
We are working closesly with MantraDAO to provide our community with a detailed reflection on what happend
Cryptodiffer Community
-By holding $SDAO token, how can we generate passive income? Do you have any Staking/Liquidity Pool mechanism? 
-Why does Defi need AI? What role will artificial intelligence play in creating a decentralized platform?
Marcello Mari
You can generate passive income by holding and staking dynaset tokens which will allow you to get more SDAO tokens. By holding Dynasets, you will provide liquidity in the ecosystem and enjoy trading fees. 
- There is still a lack of siphistication in Defi. AI has been used for many years in traditional finance at different levels but never in DeFi. So it is time bring that level of siphistication to DeFi.
AI can be instrumental in the process of creating that extra alpha for the users. There are currently over 4k different cryptos and the information are so scattered around that is very difficult for the average investor to make educate and informed decision about their cryptos. AI can support that process by analizing large quantity of trading data very effectively!
Cryptodiffer Community
When did SingularityDAO decide to roll out SingularityDAO Token Public Sale? Can you tell me how to participate in SingularityDAO public sale? 
Marcello Mari
yeah there will be 2 public IDOs on Lanchpool.xyz and Poolz.finance - we have a detailed step by step guide here: 
Cryptodiffer Community
SingularityDAO's partnership with SingularityNET (which has one of the biggest team of AI experts in the world) gave birth to AI-AGENTS which can assist traders to make financial decisions using the best tools. Talking about these AI-AGENTS, how easy will it be for traders to understand and use them? And what technical experience level will be required to use them? I just hope they are not a complex set of programmed algorithm. 
Marcello Mari
ahah thanks for your question! 
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to use AI at any level by the average crypto investor. The user won't even see the AI, the platform will do eveyrthing autonomously and manage each portfolios of crypto
I want to reiterate that @singularitydao is a community driven project and we have been reserving a large amount of our token supply (40%) in community incentives!
So I invite everybody to join our community and follow us on Twitter to follow our announemetn and unlock the potential of @siingularitydao to generate profits!
Cryptodiffer Community
SingularityDAO says the FORGE is definitely one of the most sophisticated piece of technology within it ecosystem, this got me curious and wants to know more, could you kindly tell us what it does and what makes it truly a sophisticated technology as claimed by you guys? 
Marcello Mari
yes the Forge is a very cool piece of tech! It will allow users to same on ETH gas fees by batching all transactions together while at the same time leveling out the liquidity contribution to each dynaset 
Cryptodiffer Community
As an AI enthusiast, I was excited to read the medium ama_article about your SophiaDAO project that you created with Hanson Robotics. Let's talk a little bit about the future about this revolutionary work. 
Marcello Mari
yeah SophiaDAO will be one of the projects spinning off from SingularityNET and will be spearheaded by David Hanson of Hanson's robotics. 
We have projects in decentralized AI biomedic data, decentrlaized AI media, Decenralized AI computing resources and SophiaDAO will leverage decentrlaized AI for robotics.
SingularityDAO will be the core engine to spin off all of these projects
like Polkastarter for the Polkadot ecosystem
imagine where SingularityDAO can be in one year from now
imagine the growth of the SingularityNET ecosystem thanks to its spinoff and the accelleration power of SingularityDAO!
I now have to go unfrutunately!
but it was really fun to answer your questions!
I hope to see you in our Telegram community!
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
It was a great AMA, thank you for your time!! 
Marcello Mari
and don't forget to follow us on Twitter 