20 Oct 202123:33

Rocket Vault AMA Recap
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!😁 
We are glad to meet here:
Kiran Mannam, Founder & CEO
Kiran Mannam
Hi everyone, nice meting you. Pretty excited to be here! 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Welcome Kiran, thank you for taking your time today! 
Kiran Mannam
My pleasure! Looking forward to interacting with one of the most vibrant communities in crypto space .. 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
let's start with the introduction
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Kiran Mannam
I am ex-SAP and come with 18+ years of experience in Financial services industry. I have been working with banks all over the world to address their complex problems with customised solutions, primarily on the payments side.
We have a pretty strong team with work experience in various tier1 financial institutions and organisations.
I will be sharing some images along with answers to keep it more engaging .. i hope you are ok with it :)
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks for the introduction
let's take a closer look on the project
Q2: Can you introduce Rocket Vault to us?
Kiran Mannam
Well, we started off with Rocket Vault and released our beta in May. 
Rocket Vault is automated strategies backed by AI & ML that minimises risks and maximises gains.
let me share our Vault performance in the past quarter
We are able to generate 30+% APY on USDT Vault in the past quarter, while the industry best is around 12-15%
Next we are launching RocketX - The hybrid liquidity aggregator.
RocketX is basically aggregating all the CEX and DEX to provide access to global liquidity at a single click with emphasis on Cross Chain Swaps & TOken Transfers to break the boundaries between the different chains. Today it is very complex for the user to toggle between different chains and keep up with so many chains coming up. We simplify crypto trading and make access to different chains simple with a really simple UI and amazing UX.
In short we can make different chains more accessible to the masses!
We are very confident we will be able to deliver faster and cheaper transactions/swaps ..
this is our mock UIs ..
We will be the first to support Cross CHain swaps and token transfers at a single click.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Let's transfer to the last question in the introductory part!
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Kiran Mannam
Sure. As i mentioned above we already launched Rocket Vault beta along with RVF staking. 
We have a lots coming up in the next couple of months ..
RVF is already launched on Ethereum & Polygon networks .. btw we received Developer grants from Polygon to support their network in out pilot :)
Next we are launching on BSC very soon in october and listing on a CEX too ..2 listings coming up in October .. 1 is pancake swap and other CEX, which we cant reveal as of now ..
Next, we have Vault-as-a-Service we are launching for Institutions and HNIs towards end of september. We already secured a well know organisation in the crypto space as our first client.
And most importantly RocketX beta we are planning to release in Oct/Nov 2021
Last but not the least we wil be releaseing ETH Vault for public after RocketX, hopefully in Q4 2021.
we are pretty much under the radar and a lot of scope for growth from where we are right now ..
Here is a MC comparision of the #CeDeFi projects in the space, which is trending at the moment and is going to be future of trading with all the regulations tightening around the DEXs and CEXs ..
In short, lots to expect in the next couple of months and we are pretty excited along with our community for the RocketX release :)
Cryptodiffer Community
There are so many competitors in the crypto space today so how does Rocket Vault managed to stand out, what makes you unique, different and ahead? 
How can Rocket Vault users gains access to Smart Vault?
Kiran Mannam
Good question. 
this slide shows how we are ahead of other competitors in the space ..
Cryptodiffer Community
You are launching Vault- as-a-Services for Institutions, 
Could you tell more about it?
How will it help the institutions?
Kiran Mannam
well, today the highest APY offered for ETH vault by many BIG companies like Nexo, Celcius, Crypto.com etc is 6-8% maximun. 
we are able to generate 30+% APY for ETH vaults. that is 5x the best market is offering..
Cryptodiffer Community
Recently, Polygon Granted developer Grant to RocketX, How will it help the Project to boost? 
Kiran Mannam
The very fact that Polygon recognises our efforts and appreciates the problem we are addressing is a big boost to our project and the team. 
We make Polygon chain more accessible to the masses by simplifying crypto trading. We achieve this by enabling users to:
- Trade ANY token listed on ANY exchange with a single UI
- We also assure BEST RATES & MINIMAL Slippage
Cryptodiffer Community
With RocketX, How possible is it that I can trade on exchanges like Binance, Kucoin without registering & doing KYC on these exchange? 
Kiran Mannam
so what we do in the back end is to integrate with all these CEX and make all the tokens available for users to trade via RocketX UI. 
Users just need to register with RocketX and they will be able to trade ANY token listed on all the exchanges we integrate.
i think i will have to pick the last one ..
Cryptodiffer Community
1. I read that $RVF is the utility token and the utility is multi-folded. What does it mean for the $RVF to be multi-folded? 
2. What strategies are in place to ensure that there will always be a lot of demand for $RVF?
Kiran Mannam
we have multi-folded token utility for RVF 
which also helps in multiple revenue streams ..
We also aim to burn RVF with 20% of the platform revenue from time to time. With deflationary mechanism, there will always be a lot of demand for RVF as the product adoption increases.
I think i answered 5 questions.
thanks everyone for being such an amazing community.
It was my pleasure to interact with you all :)
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks a lot for the ama! 
Kiran Mannam
Thanks for having me :)