04 Sep 202007:08

Nimbus AMA Recap
Cryptodiffer Team
Hello, everyone! 
We are glad to meet here
Alexandra Serebrennikova, CMO at Nimbus
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Hi everybody and thanks for having me today! 🙂 
Cryptodiffer Team
Let`s start with the introduction questions! 
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Sure! My name is Alexandra Serebrennikova, I’m the Chief Marketing Officer at Nimbus. 
During my work experience, I have always been specializing in Marketing and Business Development. With the background of working with more than 10 International startups and Fintech Companies in their growth phases, I am now proud to be a part of the Nimbus team to bring this project to different markets all over the world💪🏻
Cryptodiffer Team
Thank you! 
Q2: Can you briefly tell us what is Nimbus in 3-5 sentences?
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Of course! So Nimbus is a FinTech platform that accumulated 50,000 users since 2019. 
As a logical step in our development, we are now switching to DeFi and launching a DAO-governed ecosystem of dApps that offers more than 10 different earning strategies for users in one spot.
All of them shall be based on clear reward-generating mechanisms that have proved to be efficient over years but haven’t been available to common people, especially in crypto.
These include IPO participation, startup crowdfunding, P2P lending, and so on.
Finally, all of this will be accessible with one token that we have just launched with a big success: NBU
Cryptodiffer Team
Q3. Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
This is my favorite part 😉 
Since we decided to redesign our Fintech platform and switch to DeFi back in October 2020, the launch of the Nimbus Platform and the NBU token was the most significant milestone.
NBU was on fire right from the launch of the 27th of Jan, reaching a total market cap of around ~35 million within two days
With our staking functionalities active now, NBU token holders can earn 3 types of staking rewards of up to 12% APY.
The Referral Program that we have also just launched is intended to incentivize a stronger building of community while also allowing our users to enhance their benefits from NBU acquisition.
Participants can receive 3 types of rewards of up to 10% from their Referees transaction size
And, I will say, our community members are the ones we want to thank for that. Their support has been phenomenal, and every member feels as strongly that Nimbus shall be the next breakthrough that will accelerate the maturation of DeFi.
Cryptodiffer Team
And the last question from our team 
Q4: What are your next steps?
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Well, as mentioned in our roadmap (by the way, check it out here: https://nimbusplatform.io/#roadmap), our next step is to facilitate the launch of the two Nimbus dApps out of the four to come: The P2P Lending dApp and the Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp. 
You can also look forward to the Nimbus DAO and Governance Token launch scheduled for QT1 2021.
The upcoming functionalities will reinforce the concept of true decentralization.
With all the functionalities that we envision for 2021, our users will get access to many rewarding opportunities with transparent mechanisms of value generation behind them.
We are talking about the lucrative opportunities that weren’t available to common people before, even in fiat - like IPOs or crowdfunding.
The ultimate goal is to finalize Nimbus into a holistic ecosystem where all users have equal opportunities with the best advantages of DeFi - all in a truly decentralized setting!
Cryptodiffer Team
It is time to move to the community questions part. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Now have many super hackers so security, scalability, and data privacy are three aspects that are very important at enterprize level, how Nimbus foundation handle these issues? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Thanks for the question Oleta! Indeed, since after the launch of Nimbus DAO everything will function based on our smart contracts, security is a top-notch priority for us. 
That's why we're so proud to have received a good audit score from one of the best auditors worldwide, Zokyo. That's also why we keep testing every single thing that goes live. Soon, we will even share info on some more smart contract ratings where Nimbus have been included right at the top. Join our telegra chat to stay tuned on this: https://t.me/Nimbus_Platform_ENG
We're also very lucky to have amazing specialists on board who used to help with IT and security matters at top companies such as Huawei. Please see our website for more detail on our team: https://nimbusplatform.io/#team
Wow guys so many great questions, thank you! I wish I could answer them all but let me pick the best ones. And sorry it takes a while to type the answer😅
Cryptodiffer Community
Marketing is the key to any successful project. What is your strategy for getting new users to your platform? Are you planning to develop non-English speaking local communities? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Sure we understand it's crucial and that's why we are so grateful for already having a very solid community of 50,000 users that are backing us up and always providing useful honest feedback, as well as spreading to word to boost organic community growth.
Currently, we have a solid marketing team that carries out promotional activities all over the world, including China, where users seem to go crazy about our proposition!
We have hundreds of media and influencers postings reviews on our platform on a daily basis and we are very pleased to see how many users that brings us! It means we are indeed offering people what they need.
We also have a solid Ambassador community that keeps growing organically day by day and spreading information on us on a wide array of territories, including Philipines, Korea, China, several countries in Africa, as well as several countries in Europe and East. If you would like to become one of them - please join our chat and pm the admin! https://t.me/Nimbus_Platform_ENG
Finally, we are constantly launching interactive campaigns for our users and followers - for example one is starting off today💪🏻 You will be able to get a rewards in NBU while discovering what our Platform has in store - do check it out in our chat and keep an eye on it cause now that the platform is live, we will have many more of them coming soon😉
Cryptodiffer Community
Lately Nimbus platform was launched, could you please tell us bout your results? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
The market cap we've reached is $35 mln within just two days! That would grant us a #390 position in the coinmarketcap list which is very very impressive for a token that was launched on an internal exchange just a couple days ago. As per the price, I cannot tell you much due to the legal restrictions on official communications but you can see how much it appreciated here: https://app.nimbusplatform.io/b/#/swap
Obviously, as we get listed at CEX and DEX in the coming weeks and months, we expect even more success. So it's certainly a good time to join the project now 😉
Cryptodiffer Community
Is it true that Nimbus will offer 10 earning strategies for users in one place? Are there barriers to entry for users? Can users join today? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Yes, that is correct. 
In fact, as we integrate even more third-party dApps, we aim to provide even more pools for users.
And while Nimbus strives to be as compliant as possible, the majority of our dApps will not have a KYC, meaning even people without an ID can participate. All you need to have is a MetaMask wallet and a tiny sum of crypto (that still makes sence considering the gas fees) as there is no minimum participation sum.
The best thing is that thanks to our pool mechanics, users have a chance to achieve great results and mitigate their risks even with the smallest sums. For example, our Crowdfunding dApp will enable users to gain access to the equity and convertible notes of a wide array of startups at the other side of the pool no matter their participation sum. The same for our IPO hub but the difference is that on the other side you have the IPOs, not startups.
Check out more info on our dApps here and make sure to try them out soon! https://nimbusplatform.io/#dapps
Cryptodiffer Community
Most investors want to invest in work products or MVPs. What is the current state of your P2P lending dApps, crypto arbitrage dApps, crowdfunding dApps, and IPO Hub dApps? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
One more great question from the same person! 
Our current MVP is the Platform Swap functionality (AMM DEX Nimbus SWAP), Liquidity Providing functionality, 3 types of Staking with different APYs and a Referral Program.
It is already very attractive for team players, swap traders, and liquidity providers due to the next traits:
1. Referral programm with 3 distinct rewards:
- 10% reward from your first level referees NBU acquisitions
- SWAP fee distribution between the referral network participants
- Staking reward of 7% APY on your own tokens
2. Situative and organic difference in price at NBU in ETH/USDT pairs (you are welcome to try it here: https://app.nimbusplatform.io/b/#/swap)
3. special rewards for liquidity providers plus a unique staking reward of 100% APY💪🏻
As soon as this SWAP protocol gains critical number of NBU holders - we will launch the dApps. Meanwhile, it's perfect timing for our users to benefit from the Platform current functionality and accumulate the right amount of NBUs for what comes next!
Cryptodiffer Community
Can you explain more about your Staking & Governance? I'm interested in joining your DAO, how do I become a DAO maker and what benefits will I derive from joining? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Great question! 
Here are a few points that make Nimbus DAO participation especially attractive:
1) Nimbus Platform revenues shall be divided between DAO participants.
2) Our DAO offers real stakeholder participation, with merely 10% governance tokens, GNUS, left for the Nimbus Organization, meaning everyone is welcome to become a participant.
3) DAO participants will receive the opportunity to co-create Nimbus through proposal submissions and votes on technical, economic, and governance-related matters. For example, you could vote on changing transaction fees, pool rewards and so on.
4) The smart contracts that underlie our DAO are scrutinized and audited by Zokyo, one of the most reputable and trustworthy auditors internationally. This helps to ensure the most stringent security for the assets of our users.
5) Nimbus's innovative DAO mechanics aims to ensure that our users are protected from the risks in the market, including pumps and dumps as well as frauds. The implementations aim to create fair conditions in the interest of our stakeholder's prosperity.
How you can participate?
Once we launch Nimbus Governance Token in Q1 2021, you shall be able to acquire it and thus become a DAO participant.
We will be writing more about this opportunity in our Medium blog so do subscribe and track the news! https://nimbusplatform.medium.com/
Cryptodiffer Community
DeFi is one of the hottest topic in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion about DeFi with us? Do you think that DeFi will disrupt the existing financial system? What is Nimbus approach towards the DeFi sector? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
DeFi is definitely the most likely direction of crypto economic development. 
The fact that the DeFi market has grown more than 20 times over the last year even before the BTC pump shows that the world is ready for non-human based solutions in FinTech and that users are satisfied with the transparency of DeFi protocols.
The only problem we can see in DeFi market today, is one of our main business task: mass adoption. Not all regular users are ready to work with the DeFi because of one simple fact: they don’t understand how it works and they don't quite trust it.
Many projects out there create very far-fetched products based on game theories and sophisticated technical tools that nobody can grasp or rely on. Nimbus, in turn, strives to democratize the effective tools that already have a wide adoption - such as IPOs - but make them available and much more efficient due to the DeFi mechanics and the digital asset risk mitigation techniques. And we shall do it within just one ecosystem where users have all they need and can truly understand what's going on with their assets. Moreover, due to our DAO, they will not only understand it but manage it end-to-end.
So we believe Nimbus could help DeFi move closer to reaching the mass adoption. We already managed to reach 50 000 users in 1 year and educate them on the use of crypto and blockchain. Now we can say for sure we can make this next step and explain users how to make use of DeFi and make it as convenient and as simple as possible for them!
How about letting other users to ask their questions @cryptodiffer_admin ? Let's be fair to everybody :)
Cryptodiffer Community
Can Nimbus offer users all the tools they need in one spot and eliminate the need for switching between native tokens? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
That is precisely our goal! 
Just one token NBU will open up access to a range of different pools backed by clear value generation mechanisms (check out our dApps: https://nimbusplatform.io/#dapps) so that users can have all sorts of opportunities for leveraging their crypto in one spot.
Obviously, we shall also have two other tokens but if you simply want to benefit from our pools and dApps, you can do that by only holding the NBU. However, we strongly suggest that you don't miss out on the Nimbus Governance token as it could potentially bring at least as many benefits to the holder.
Cryptodiffer Community
✅ Lately, many DEFI projects have emerged offering the same. Which of the Nimbus offerings fundamentally sets you apart from other projects? 
Is the Nimbus team planning to create a single platform to integrate all P2P lending products, crypto arbitrage dApps, crowdfunding dApps, and IPO Hub dApps, as well as future products to facilitate user access?
Alexandra Serebrennikova
I love this question! 
First of all, we take the best of the two worlds: traditional finance and DeFi and merge it in a perfect decentralized transparent blend.
Second, we dont try to be overly experimental so nobody can even understand what we do: instead, we try to make all our solutions as simple yet as efficient as possible. So unlike many other DeFi projects, Nimbus dApps are based on real-world use cases. There are clear processes and revenue generation mechanisms backing each dApp which makes users’ life easier and let everybody participate.
Third, Nimbus has everything you need in one place! All our dApps can be accessed with the same tokens and without extra fees and registrations! So, when you use Nimbus, you should have direct access to many dApps and pools at once, starting with 10 earning strategies once we have our first 4 dApps launched.
And, finally, Nimbus aims to be a truly DAO governed decentralized platform so our users shall co-design the platform and its decisions in the future. Moreover, only 10% of the Nimbus Governance Tokens shall be offered to the Nimbus organization.
Cryptodiffer Community
As part your roadmap for 2021, you plan to launch a system of three Nimbus tokens, can you explain the unique use-cases of each and it's benefits for users? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
According to our roadmap, Nimbus aims to launch three tokens in 2021. These tokens are supported with meticulously audited tokenomics and liquidity provider support.
The first token is the NBU, our ER20 utility token. The NBU which is already launched along with our official platform provides access to all Nimbus solutions including more than 10 pools that are underway.
Next, is the Nimbus Governance Token, planned for launch in QT1 2021. The Nimbus Governance Token allows users to co-create and co-govern the platform with votes and proposals as well as get their cuts from the accumulated platform fees and more.
Finally, we have STAN, which is stablecoin and is 100% backed by USD with a 1:1 ratio, to offer the highest level of stability to our users and make the entire Platform more efficient.
Cryptodiffer Community
What are the mainly functionalities this project offers to the DeFi community? Is it just another stake/farming project? What makes you different? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
Please see my previous answer: we are not another farming / staking project. 
Yes, right now our dApps are not live yet, but once they are, there will be an array of real opportunities behind them packed into DeFi for efficiency and ensuring low entry barriers for users worldwide! All in one stop.
So what we do is very different not even from other Defi projects but also from anything that you have in fiat or crypto now 😉
Cryptodiffer Community
How solid is your technical base and NBU token utility compared to other Defi projects? Are you ready to change quickly in the ever-changing cryptoeconomy? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
DeFi market is open-source culture and all the development results are shown to everybody at GitHub. Therefore correct answer at your question is simple: common DeFi community and time will show us how solid we are in DeFi tools development. 
Yet we do already have auditors opinion with really small number of amendments, that makes us sure that our technical development capacity is good enough to be sure that we are ready for quick changes.
F.Y.I bridge (cross chain) solutions, transaction gas fee’s optimisation by virtual machine etc. are in focus of our technical team research. Thus we understand all the challenges at this market and we will be just in time with relevant solutions for it.
Thank you everybody! I really enjoyed the session - the questions are all very well-thought! 👏🏻
I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to answer all of your questions but I'm sure our community managers will be glad to do that any time in our group chat: https://t.me/Nimbus_Platform_ENG so don't forget to join!😊
Thank you guys!😊
Cryptodiffer Community
Does Nimbus TOKENS have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of tokens and attract investors to participate in investments? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
I've decided to answer a couple more questions :) 
Our smart contracts include the possibility of burning tokens. So technically, it is possible. If the DAO decides to switch to this strategy at some point after the launch, the system will allow for that. Everything will be in place from a technical and business perspective.
Cryptodiffer Community
What is the planned Initial number of NBU tokens in circulation from the total tokens? What is the release schedule for NBU tokens? Are there any plans to increase the value of tokens for holders such as staking, buyback, burning? 
Alexandra Serebrennikova
We currently have about 24 000 000 NBU tokens in circulation. According to our plan, until the end of 2021, this amount shall grow to 300 000 000 NBU. 
At this stage of development, Nimbus users have access to 3 types of staking:
1. NBU soft staking 5% APY,
2. NBU hard staking 7% APY for 60 days,
3. NBU hard staking 12% APY for 180 days.
Also we need to consider that in order to gain access to all Nimbus dApps, pools, other tokens and other solutions, you will need to stake or at least hold some NBU.
So overall, there is a wide range of use-cases to keep your NBUs busy :)
Cryptodiffer Team
Thanks for your time Alexandra 
Thank you to everyone who took part!
It was a very interesting session!