01 Dec 202118:31

Mines of Dalarnia AMA Recap
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!š 
We are glad to meet here:
Manfred, Project Lead of the Mines of Dalarnia
Hey everyone! 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Welcome Manfred, thank you for taking your time today! 
Great to be with you. 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks, let's start! 
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Sure. My name is Manfred and I am working as a Project Lead on Mines of Dalarnia. I joined the games industry in 2009 and started off as a producer supporting startups in developing and publishing their games. More recently I worked as a Game Director/Product Manager on f2p games for Mobile, Brwoser and PC. With the uprising of blockchain games I shifted my focus to that exciting market and am glad to work on Mines of Dalarnia. 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Okie, thanks for an answer) 
Q2: Can you introduce Mines of Dalarnia to us?
Mines of Dalarnia is an 2D platfomer/action adventure game with procedurally generated levels. Players mine in various plots to collect resources and minerals which they can invest to improve their skills and equipment by crafting. This gives them access to even more mines of higher difficulties and different terrain types with different kind of monsters and obstacles to overcame. Ultimately players want to conquer the whole Dalarnia Universe to find the most rare and precious resources. 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
We released Mines of Dalarnia in 2019 on testnet and saw raising interest in the game since the beginning of the year. We have now over 48,000 unique players which generated more than 1.6 million on-chain transactions. By the end of this year we want to initiate a LAND sale to for the upcoming mainnet release. We are aiming to release the game early in 2022 on BSC mainnet and are putting all our energy onto it. In addition to that we are happy that we are the 23rd project on Binance Launchpool and our native token DAR will be listed into the binance innovation zone by tomorrow. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Is it necessary to register in Chromia Vault to play Mines of Dalarnia? 
Are Mines of Dalarnia pay-to-win?
You can currently play the game on testnet without using the chromia vault, however your progress will not be saved that way. Setting up chromia is very straight forward so I highly recommend to do so. The game itself can not be considered pay-to-win. Thats not our design philosophy for Mines of Dalarnia. 
Cryptodiffer Community
How can players earn coin rewards in the game? Are players' levels an important factor in the game? How does a player's sophistication affect the rewards to be earned? 
There are several ways in which players can earn coins. First of all they can purchase LAND which is needed for mining and offer it to miners for a rent fee which they decide on. Then there is the marketplace. Pretty much every in-game item is an nft and can be traded on the marketplace against DAR. One of our most important Roadmap Features are PVP competitions in which the winners will be rewarded with a token reward. Last but not Least we do have plans to expand the metagame and include staking which will result in staking rewards. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Most of the existing blockchain games focus more on the token economics and care less about the fun and entertainment aspects of the game. How will you strike a balance between these two? Will the game be built in such a way that it will be fun to play and worth the time spent playing it? 
Thats a very good questions. I think this is one aspect that really sets us apart from most of the existing blockchain games. We do know that our initial audience will come from the crypto space and will be mostly interested in the play 2 earn aspect. ThatĀ“s why we are putting lots of thoughts into our tokenomics and the game economy that has to sustain it. However, since our core team comes from the traditional gaming space we want to create a game that gripping and fun and keeps players motivated beyond the play 2 earn part. We really want to build a lasting community which will support the game for years and which will not be primarly motivated by making a profit. Therefore it is our goal to reach out to the general gaming audience as well as crypto interested users. 
Cryptodiffer Community
1. What measures are in place to help grow the game within the crypto space as well as to reach out to a broader gaming audience? 
2. How do you intend to increase the playability of the game and keep the community engaged?
1. We have a very strong marketing team we are working with that has experience in both the traditional gamin space as well as the crypto space. With them we are very confident that we can raise the necessary awareness that we need to succeed. 2. This comes down to several design decisions. We want to keep the progression system fun and motivating so that players feel stronger and stronger when creafting new equipment but at the same time they will be able to face more and more challenging mines and monsters so that their expericen wonĀ“t become stale. In addition to that we are planning for constant content updates such as new resources, new equipment new terrain types so that players have always something new to discover. In addition to that we will implement pvp and social features that we think will help with long term retention and will allow us to grow a passionate community that supports the game 
Cryptodiffer Community
I read that they talk about a "Game Engine Migration", but could you really explain what they mean? Will they migrate the game engine from one blockchain to another? or where and why will they migrate it? 
Game Engin migration simply means that we are migrating the game into Unity as our development engine. Due to that we can improve the overall look and feel of the game as well as distribute it on pretty much all platforms, so that we are able to create a mobile app which is on of our goals for next year. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Can I play Mines of Dalarnia on PC with a controller? Can you tell me the browsers that support Mines of Dalarnia? 
Can you tell me how to report a bug or give feedback regarding the Mines of Dalarnia?
You can use pretty much every major browser without issues. Once we launch on mainnet we will distribute a game client and will support controllers. There is a dedicated support button on our website which you can use if you encounter any problems and bugs. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Could you tell us what is the next thing we will see in Mines Dalarnia in the near future? Will they plan to develop many more games and thus establish a great ecosystem? or will they simply incorporate more and more tools and utilities into their only game and that's it? 
Our development team is focusing solely on Mines of Dalarnia for the moment, however once we established our vision for the game we certainly look into new options. We are big fans of ecosystems and even though I cant announce something at this moment, rest assured that we are talking to other developers and looking into ways of collaboration. 
Cryptodiffer Community
How will the DAR token be used in the game? Can we get discounts and extra features every time users upgrade their vehicles or trade in the in-game market? 
Dar has the following use cases. 
In-game currency: Players are able to use DAR to buy and rent in-game assets on the marketplace.
Play-to-earn incentives: Players can earn DAR through selling their in-game items collected from in-game quests or through winning in competitions. In addition, players that own in-game land plots are able to collect a rental fee by renting out to other players to explore.
Governance: DAR token holders will be able to vote on proposals to decide on the land economy, miner policies and other components of the game development.
Staking rewards: Users can stake DAR for early access to more game features and contents as well as for token rewards.
Cryptodiffer Community
1. How soon can we expect the launch of the first round of Land sale? 
2. I also learnt that land owners can earn real estate income when the mainnet launches. How true is this? Can you please shed more light on how this will be done?
We are looking for a first round of the LAND sale by the end of the year and will announce on our social media channels once we are ready. So stay tuned. 
LAND owners can create real estate income as they offer their LAND for miners who want to gather resources. For that they can either set a rent fee in DAR or ask for a reward share of the resources that a miner gets due to mining.
Cryptodiffer Community
Where can IĀ get the latest updates or more information about the project? 
Website: https://www.minesofdalarnia.com/ 
FAQ: https://www.minesofdalarnia.com/faqmod/index.html
Telegram EN group (over 13.700 members): https://t.me/MinesOfDalarnia
Telegram RU (417 members): https://t.me/MinesOfDalarniaRU
Medium (516 followers): https://minesofdalarnia.medium.com/
YouTube (11.700 subs): https://www.youtube.com/minesofdalarnia
Twitch (over 1300 followers): https://www.twitch.tv/minesofdalarnia
If you follow us on any of those channels you are pretty much good to go and wont miss a thing.
Cryptodiffer Community
Significantly buying a land will cost much higher for a user. So, are their other ways one can go? Also, how many plots of land one can own by paying $DAR? Is there also concept of conquering rival lands in the game? 
Players donĀ“t have to buy LAND in order to play the game. They can decide to focus on the mining and pay a rent fee to LAND owners. Currently we have not decided on a plot limitation for LAND owners. Conquering rival lands is not part of the current concept but I do take notes^^ 
Cryptodiffer Community
1) I see that there are three distinct NFT types in Mines of Dalarnia, which are LAND, RESOURCES, and EQUIPMENT. Can you please tell us more about each of them, how can they be earned and what benefits do we derive from owning them? 
2) Besides gaining NFTs ingame, will there be NFT drops outside of the game?
1. About the NFT types: 
LAND is used for mining. Different terrain types and difficulty levels offer different rewards in form of resources and sometimes even equipment.
Resources are used for crafting new gear, equipment and consumables. There two Resource types. The first one are minerals and they are always needed while crafting. The second one are gems which are not mandatory but do give special perks and bonuses when used during crafted.
Equipment are pretty much what players expect. We have different kinds of tools, weapons, armor and accessoires which affect the players attributes and makes them ready for tougher challenges.
All these NFTs can be traded on the marketplace creating a dynamic in-game economy that is pretty much at the hands of our community.
2. Yes we will have NFT drops outside of the game as well.
Cryptodiffer Community
I am my friends currently unable to log in into the game. Can you explain the reasons for this and are you working on resolving this issue ! 
I am sorry to hear that your friend is having issues. Since we announced the binance launchpool we had massive spike in new players which ultimately resulted in some problems. We are quite confident that we found the issues. It should be resolved soon. 
Cryptodiffer Community
I read that this quarter you are planning to make the Initial Land Sales, but could you really tell us how this will be done? Will they be through whitelist? Or will they implement some modality similar to the launchpool used for the ICO of their native token? 
We have not yet decided how we want to to the LAND sale. We are looking at our experience with the Mining Apes Collection and are talking to our advisors how to do it the best way. We will make an announcement once we have settled the details. 
Cryptodiffer Community
As an expert gamer, I am interested in knowing if my in-game tools and equipments have durability? How can I get them repaired ? Are there hazard in the game that can do damage to me? 
Can I earn an Achievement in Mines of Dalarnia?
For now we donĀ“t plan on include a durability feature in the game. We value and respect the time and effort our players are putting into the game and think that a durability feature does not benefit our vision. There hazards and monsters in the mines so you have to be carefull while mining. 
We are working on a Achievment Feature with daily, weekly and monthly tasks but that will be released at a later date.
Cryptodiffer Community
I catch my attention that they will incorporate the Robo Canary birds, so could you really explain to us what their use will be? These depending on the type of bird will help to mine in a specific type of land? or will it have some other use? 
At launch the Robo Canaries are of cosmetic value and give the players canary a specific look. All canaries are AI-driven companions that guide players through the mines. They indicate points of interes and warn players when they are about to encounter a monster or trap. In future we might add additional functionality to the canaries. 
Cryptodiffer Community
āļøAre you going to release NFTs on different chains considering the high gas fee can be an issue for some commodity items in the game? Which chains are you planning to use? 
For now we have been quite happy with binance. But we are of course keeping an eye on transaction fees as they may not be feasible for some of the commodity items in the game. We are very open minded about that and want to go the solution that benefits our game and community the most. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Can you explain the main reason why Mines of Dalarnia is on Chromia testnet? What advantages does this have on the project and its users? And which blockchain will the main tokens be issued on? 
Currently, Mines of Dalarnia is on Chromia testnet because the single sign-on wallet is friendly to users that are unfamiliar to crypto. The main tokens will be issued on ethereum and bsc. 
Cryptodiffer Community
I could see that Mines of Dalarnia can only be played through mobile devices, but really why not expand to desktop pc? Could it be that this would congestion or would I have problems when reproducing the graphics of the game? 
At launch we will release a dedicated deskop client. So you can play the game on PC. Right now you can also play it on PC via browser. For 2022 we want to release a additional mobile app to reach out to even more users. 
Cryptodiffer Community
MOD has TWO game modes. One is the 2D Gameplay and other is real estate. One should go for which one initially? 
This is very subjective. The real estate part includes a managment style interface and LAND owner have to actively take care of their LAND so that it does not run out of resources for miners. Personally I love the mining game itself. It is a really fund and challenging experience so every time I upgrade my equipment I want to test it right away. For the mainnet launch we have overhauled and improved on pretty much all aspects of the game. We really added depth to the game and I canĀ“t wait to see what our players think about it. 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks for your answers, Manfred! This was definately informative 
Thanks for having me, I enjoyed being with you today.