14 Dec 202110:03

Melos AMA Recap
Yalu Lin
hey yo~ 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Yalu Lin
how’s going? 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
all good, how are you:) 
Yalu Lin
doing good. Thank you 
thanks for having me here ser
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!😁 
We are glad to meet here:
Yalu, Co-founder @yalulin
Yalu Lin
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Great! let's start with the introduction 
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Yalu Lin
of course! 
Yalu, first invested in crypto in 2017
Joined from the very beginning of Machi X in 2019. It started as a music copyright marketplace ecosystem where fans, collectors, and patrons can buy and sell music copyrights
i was there incharge of ops and handling song IP purchasing, legal, and etc. Co-op directly with music creators, singers and their agents
listed 59 songs from Golden Melody Award-winning artists
one of them was even listed on Binanace DEX
that’s when I learnt a lot about the music industry and blockchain applications
I also met Jim during that time. Jim is the other co-founder of Melos
he is a senior developer and one of the first to work on Java virtual machine in Japan
He has devoted his career to technologies
interestingly, he has also been a musician since his childhood, own a studio that helped independent artists remix and record music
and then we started Melos.Studio
🎻 DONE 🎻
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
now to the melos itself
Yalu Lin
yes yes 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Q2: Can you introduce Melos to us? 
Yalu Lin
Melos is a music creators ecosystem on web3.0 and is the “desination for creating, discovering and collecting original music on web3.0”
By using NFT as proof of creation/co-creation for music artists, we can build a github style of music creation process for music and hence create a new creator-fan economy around this
these NFTs in Melos are called “Musicblocks”
they are like music stems that people can add more work, remix the music within
this is an example
1/ Pianist Aditi mints a piano tune as G0 NFT
2. Bob sees the NFT and likes the tune, and adds his guitar riff to it and mints piano+guitar G1 NFT
3. Camilia comes across the G1 piano/guitar NFT and adds his vocal chorus to it to mint piano/guitar/vocal G2 NFT…
so a few nice things happens here
a. NFTs here ( Muiscblocks ) are no longer just static file / collectibles, but became interecative collectibles, because other people can buy and add more work to it
b. New relationships between fans, musicians, and producers as everyone now has access to a vast pool of musical elements to collect, be inspired by and build upon
c. A new transparent and democratic create-to-earn ecosystem for music. Both originators and collaborators are rewarded every step of the way and the entire process is clearly documented on the blockchain and Web 3.0
so, thats Melos.Studio
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Nice one! 
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Yalu Lin
hey ya! 
its been a long journey
we started last year during the padenmic. we spent a lot of time settling and polishing our thoguths and ideas before we begin to develop the products
so the website is now open and we are making more functions avaible for everyone: www.melos.studio
We've worked to fit multi chain on ETH, BSC and Flow and have eco-support from both BSC and Flow
There are also more chains that we are going to corp with
at this stage, we are still making awareness and want to have more people to join our platform
and we are doing some NFT drops on Binance NFT marketplace and later on Flow marketplaces
all music NFTs. some with celeberaties and some with AI generated music
Cryptodiffer Community
next stage will be incubating artiest from our own platform 
we want artist to create music on our paltform and be popular in other music stream platforms
we want to find undiscovered talents to be heard and to have more opportunities to be seen
next stage will be incubating artiest from our own platform
we want artist to create music on our paltform and be popular in other music stream platforms
we want to find undiscovered talents to be heard and to have more opportunities to be seen
Yalu Lin
so that is our goal 
🎧 ta~la~ 🎧
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
I see 
that's lit!
thanks a lot for yout answers
let's now continue with the community part
Let's remind AMA rules to the community😊
❗️ AMA structure and rules: 👥
- Community questions part starts after the guest/guests finishes/finish answering the introduction questions asked by the moderator. Moderator unmutes the chat to allow up to 100 messages and mute it.
- Each person is allowed to write only one message containing 2 questions, violators will be disqualified from participating in the reward distribution.
- Copy-pasted questions from previous AMAs are strictly forbidden, violators will be disqualified from participating in the reward distribution.
- All questions&concerns regarding AMA members should send in dm to @cryptodiffer_admin
- Important, please don`t write to other CryptoDiffer team members, they won`t be able to help you.
- Winners are chosen by Guests.
Yalu Lin
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
I will open the chat at 12:22 UTC, check exact time on time.is 
@yalulin please choose the questions you like and answer them! If you wish to have additional rounds, just let me know
Yalu Lin
nod nod 
Cryptodiffer Community
🍩🍩🍩How do Trey and Flow support Melos with music? How do you work together for originally created NFT drops and music content? Do you think you have the same musical ideals as Flow and Trey? 
Yalu Lin
oh already a fan i see.. 
fristly thank you for your support
we are very glad to have Trey and David Bowie to work with us. we share the same thoughts, we want to have innovation to help other music artist or music industry as a whole… soo…
while we try to add extra value (reward, or inncetive…) we do want respect music artwork and want to explore and discover more possibilities with music. and these NFTs are to celebrate thes artist works and hence the value of NFTs are about the artwork
and yes, Flow is well known for content creators. their ecosystem partners have been very helpful to us also. we appreicate these support a lot
Cryptodiffer Community
LongGone®, Yalu Lin has increased your reputation. 
Your reputation 2
Yalu Lin
Cryptodiffer Community
I think a lot of collectors like me are interested in how nft is used in Melos, especially in the game, as some nft has been sold recently. What kind of game is the melos game "ROCK MUST DIE"? Can you explain the relationship between the game and DNAtree? 
Yalu Lin
the concept our game is to “enjoy music by actually playing with music and not just listenting” 
there are many music projects doing streaming. we respect these.
there are still many area in the music industry to be explored for challenge
we chose path to music creation and music interaction.
so Rock Must Die is going to be a game around music creation and interactions through NFTs. Artist will be able to create music with Melos Musicblocks and let people to use/play with them in Rock Must Die
Cryptodiffer Community
Hi! 🎵 
Do you plan to have some partnership with some other NFT marketplaces where people buy and sell Melos NFTs out of the Melos platform as well?
Yalu Lin
actually the issue is that we have our own NFT design and we are working with partners to make sure they are completible so they will be able to be traded on other platforms
Cryptodiffer Community
Q1. What kind of genre of songs are allowed on Melos Studio? Can a local artist from Nigeria for example make use of your platform? 
Q2. How do you avoid copy rights issue? What mechanism are in place to help ascertain that only the true owners of the music will be able to record their music into a forever registered NFT on blockchain?
Yalu Lin
nice question! Thank you 
Q1 there is no genre restriction. We do want to have as mnay varieties as possible. music is everywhere and is not reistricted
Q2 yeah… puting music on blockchain is a good way to proof your artwork. it can help as evidence of the time you created music
to avoid corpyirhg issues, we do have a whitelist process for musicians and also we do ask creators to stake some $Melos toke. if counterfit is found then there is going to be punishment for sure
Cryptodiffer Community
⚽Melos Studio is a platform very well designed with talent people related to music, but what about new users that don't have any particular music skills? Can we still have the opportunity to earn using Melos? 
Yalu Lin
Metis is the answer 
it is an AI assistant that helps you complete a music melody by only inputing a few music keynotes… its going to be fun and excitiing
Cryptodiffer Community
Artists don't get paid for their hard work. Or their rights are being abused. How will you support them? Can they work on your platform and improve their music? Can they make money from it? 
Yalu Lin
yeah.. our idea is to have these undiscovered music/musicians to be seen or heard , by letting others to play with their music 
sometimes one needs to actually interact with the music to realize how good these music are
oh, i got to 6 questions
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
no problem 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
you can answer as long as you find interesting ones 
Yalu Lin
ok, lemme do 1 more 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
it would be a pleasure
Yalu Lin
ahahaha. this proofs i am actual human, not robot or copy-paster 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Cryptodiffer Community
🍎Is it possible for token holders to participate in project governance? What kinds of project-related choices may people vote on? What are the advantages of? 
Yalu Lin
yeah, this is going to be a DAO 
so we are going to start with 5 membership levels and 3 different topics each with diferent max voting number and voting wegiths
we want music industry to be more democratic and this is our attempt to do so
just a final words:
no tokens issued yet ( and i am not going to spoil the token realise date )
please do NOT be scammed for any one who offers you deals
all offical annoucement is only from our offiicial channels:
- Website: https://www.melos.studio
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/melos_studio
- Telegram: http://t.me/melosstudiodao
- Discord: http://discord.gg/Wg7Quep8zW
- Medium: https://melosstudio.medium.com/
🎹 DONE 🎹
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks Yalu that was a great one!!! 
Yalu Lin
thank you thank you 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
a real pleasure to host it today;) 
Yalu Lin
its my pleausre to be here