01 Sep 202013:08


Nick (CryptoDiffer)Nick (CryptoDiffer)

Hello, everyone!😁

We are glad to meet here:

Rastislav Bakala, CEO at IOI
David Achberger, CMO at IOI

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Hey guys

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Hey guys glad to be here

Nick (CryptoDiffer)Nick (CryptoDiffer)

Our team has prepared 3 questions for you to start with:
Let`s start with the introduction !
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

I am a passionate crypto enthusiast, trader and CMO of IOI with years of experience in brand marketing and management. My main goal is to help build relevant projects for future with integrated ecosystem features and best user experience and vizuals possible.

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

I am an enthusiastic professional within the investment and financial services businesses, looking for a challenge and inspiration for my growth.Currently im CEO and founder of IOI corporation and I am eager for the next one in the new emerging financial services of fintech & blockchain with a unique passion for the gaming industry.

Nick (CryptoDiffer)Nick (CryptoDiffer)

Thanks for the introduction!
Q2: Can you introduce IOI to us?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

We in IOI Corporation has decided to build a blockchain ecosystem, named Trade Race Manager, powered by decentralized finance and NFTs, with one token economy suitable for gamers, traders, and crypto enthusiasts.

Trade Race Manager is a player vs player game that brings unlimited rewards and play2earn mechanics. The core gameplay revolves around collecting, using, and trading nonfungible tokens.

there is much more staff coming soon as a market place or fully unity version of our game

Nick (CryptoDiffer)Nick (CryptoDiffer)

Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Looking at our roadmap you can see many exciting things coming. The most expected event - Token sale is right behind the corner and token will be listed 10th of May on Daomaker and Paid Ignition.

Apart from that we will be launching this year the first charity NFT market called IOI market, One vs One game Binary option game and many more coming.

- Mobile Apps on GooglePlay waiting for approval iOS
- Strategic partnerships with Arkane and Polygon
- Global users acquisition
- More partners getting aboard
- More customized NFT ́s
- Internal NFT market
- More types of NFT ́s like tracks & teams
- More variations of games

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What makes Trade Race Manager different and unique from existing blockchain games like Axie infinity, My Neighbor Alice, Aliens World and the likes? Was the game developed to compete with them or to add more value to the Blockchain NFT game by complimenting them?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

We are working for a fully ecosystem with marketplace, wallets and games. Our main advantages is that we are not focusing only about gamers but overall traders

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

1. After downloading the app on play store and signing up, I wasn't able to enjoy any of the features of the app. Is there something else I am supposed to do after downloading and signing up?

2. Apart from having a trading game with different types of races for everyone, what other features does the IOI platform have that will keep users on the platform?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Yeah we are working on updates every week. You can expect from us every friday new release and we want continually updates our platform, apps . Soon we hope also launch on IOS

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

TRM is unique due to ecosystem implementation and strong backing by IOI token. TRM is just the start for IOI and we are glad that we work with the best in the industry.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Are you a global project or local project? At present, which market are you focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?

Can anybody anywhere use this project without Any restrictions?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

We are global project. Anybody can use our platform and we are super inclusive. Our community is growing fast due to fast project developement and weekly updates.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

-Can we create or mint our own NFTs on Trade Race Manager platform using minting console? How secured are NFTs on your platform?

-Famous blockchain games gained traction thanks to users in the SEA region. Who is your target audience and is it possible not just to play but to earn something in racing manager game?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

yeah this will be possible on our marketplace according to our roadmap. Our target audiance Nigeria, India , US and Germany and much more. As we spoke we are targeting not just a gamers but traders as well. We have a lot of experience in trading on stock market and lot of clients from that area and we know how hard is for many users learn or even understand whats the charts about . Thats why IOI corporation has a main focus on gamification of every trading aspect

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Could you tell us about your current partners, partnership plans and what benefits everyone can gain from these partnerships?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Yeah we already onboard a Matic, Arkane and working now on many more partners everything will be public after our token sales

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Due to the complicated technical analyses and emotional burdens attached, the conventional daily trading is not for everyone. What new innovations are you bringing to trading and who are your target customers?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

We are introducing new type of trading game much more focused on gaming aspect that anybody not only crypto niche can get into.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Are you working to promote IOI? What moves would you take to raise the price after listing?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Our marketing team is just getting ready for the real big campaigns. If you follow our social media you can see the progress and we have much more in store right now and already big marketing deals are done for the upcoming months. The user growth and quality of our producst is the #1 priority.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Do you have plan to become the #1 NFT and Defi gaming platform of the year with economy and one of the best games on the market?

and How?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

lets say, we will do a marketing as a standard corporate company, not as a many crypto project. We will not just onboarded many influencers but via our market we will onboard many local celeberities and partners with 100 milion average views . Today we also release our first comercial spot which will fly to world soon :


Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Why should I buy IOI token?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Backed by fully working product
Ecosystem incentives in the future
Automatic value protection
Governance processes
Unlocks rare NFT which doubles your staking rewards
Various holding benefits as a free races, free nfts, charity and voting

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

We are still growing our partner base. For us as I mentioned in the questions before is the quality of the platforms #1 priority so we can sustain and grow player and user base each quarter to new levels.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What are your expectations for the token listing?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Our community is strong . There was a huge interest in token private sale and it ended up more than successful. As soon as we announced token sale on Dao and Paid Ignition we noticed another wave of huge interest. We expect tho token to be sold out within a while. Be ready

and thats not all , we are already working on TOP exchanges

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What are plans for quick adoption?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Adoption comes with the quality of the product. We can say that with the integrated ecosystem that is beign finalized as we speak in the near future the project will be all tied together so the IOI token can be ultra utilized.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Can you tell us how the idea of creating Trade Race Manager was conceived?

How can I move from a Racer to becoming an Owner and what some of the benefits that comes with it?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Its overall game plan. We want to build a platform which is not a pay to win- but play to win :) You can start as a free racer and really for free ( NO MARKETING SHITS ) get tokens , become a premium member and than win or buy your first NFTs .. After you will become a team manager you can attract a users to your team and receive 10% from each membership— so you can get enough to buy your OWN TEAM as a NFTs. More team members you have- more value your team has. So you can become from 0 to a owner

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What are your plans with the marketplace?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

We have a big plans with it. In IOI corporation we want to make the world a better place and our market will be dedicated to charity. It means from every NFT sold on the platform we will donate to those who need it the most.
We have already offices in 4 countries - so lets say we have a global ambition

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

The recent Defi projects seem to offer simiIar services. How do I get to know IOI better than other projects? Can you teII us a few convincing things?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

First of all I would like to point out we have a working product before lauching the token. Other products are on the shelf lauching soon. Listing is the next milestone and after we are ready to put the bombs in the crypto space.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

As a community based project, how can I donate my quota for your success? Does IOI have a Global Ambassador Program or a Referral Rewards System?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

We have a really nice affiliate program - where you can receive up to 2% from turnover of your partners and up to 20% of sales NFTs. Lets check it

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Where can I get IOI's NFT, is there a market place for the IOI's NFT and Where can I see your NFT collection and does IOI for NFT have its own marketplace?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

You can buy IOI NFTs at the Arkane market right now as a part of our exclusive pre sale collection. After the listing you will be able to buy NFTs right in our traderacemanager market place.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Strategic partnerships with Arkane and Polygon, why?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Polygon L2 solution is really great in this current ethereum high fees. And they are growing every day. We really love to work with them team and we want to build a strategic HUB in central europe for all developers building on polygon chain .

arkane has a paypal option for purchase of nfts and its good option for many users to easy buy or sell their items

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

How was the concept of the ioi game designed and how did the blockchain make a difference for the gaming industry?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Gaming industry is already deep in transactions and owning of virtual assets. We just gave these 2 things a real value and will continue to do so but on a much better scale

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to your project Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around ioi in non-crypto space?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Yeah of course. We need mass people to get crypto more stable. We will work hard on traditional marketing and that was also a story behind , that we want attract more and more users to crypto via games ( which will educate them) and avoid them to make a first mistakes

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

The financial markets, cryptos market... all fell due to the covid-19 epidemic. Does this affect ioi project development plan?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Not at all, digital world is like a crazy in this days. What its affect is only hire more and more developers, because everybody now understand how important online word really is.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Can you explain your global expansion plan ... Is that the only market you focus on all the time? Are you focused on building or growing and attracting customers and users or partnerships?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

We are right now one of the leading blockchain game developers in central europe but the plan is to reach global audience also via global expansion. Partnerships are being made everyday....

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

As Education for crypto currency is necessary nowadays , what’s your plan to to attract those people who don’t know about cryptocurrency?

What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of Your project in the near future?While you build ioi project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Good question, education comes with practise. We hire many traders as a team owners or managers -to educate and help users on platform or in our telegram via trading view , quiz etc

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Do players need NFT cars to enter and start races? How to buy NFT cars and how do we participate in races?
What are the advantages that players with the highest performance score will gain on the IOI platform? Can we get extra daily betting rewards when we hold NFTs?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

You can try free race with NON NFT car and win IOI tickets and IOI tokens everyday! Try it now at www.traderacemanager.com

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Why should I buy $your token , what benefits would I receive for holding long term or can I get benefit from any yield farming staking program?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

You will receive a profit from platform turnover, staking via NFTs, burning will definitly affect a price in long term etc. All our products as a copytrading , trading pool , new games will be fully backup by $IOI tokens. More users more demand .. you know whats next

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Many projects are just clones of existing ones, and an analogue of an existing one is created. Do you have different and creative qualities from those who look like you?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Just take a look at our social media and the work we do. We try to build the real gaming and trading experience and move the boundaries of blockchain everyday.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Users are always happy with user friendly usage. Like an application that can be used, does your project have an application that can be used in mobile devices (IOs or Andorid)?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

We have an adroid app live, Ios is beign finalized as we speak.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Do you think year 2021 will be ground breaking for your Token?We see that you are signing great partnerships, working on some “secret” service that soon you will announce. But all this will be fully implemented in Q1–2021. Do you think then we will start to see the full potential of your token regarding price and token as a heart of your tech?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Regarding to tech definitly -we are above to build most amazing crypto game in 2021 called CyberTrade which will be hit of our Q4 :)
Fully backed by a IOI tokens

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

NFT is considered the next trend so HOT right now of the crypto industry after DeFi. Could IOI share your opinion about NFT? Where do IOI see the future evolution of NFT features and capabilities in the next few years?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

NFTs are the future for owning a digital asset and we plan to capitalize on this fact and be the best in the industry not only in gaming but market, wallet solution and trading platform all together tied with one and only IOI token. Live on 10th of May - on Paid Ignition and DaoMaker

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

ITs amazing technology for many artist and project. Its also great for partnership. In past there was a many fake partnership without usecase. When there is a partnership with NFTs project its definitly different because you can get various asset into your platform, you can attract various artist via market etc. NFT is still a baby but will grow fast

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

How was the concept of the ioi game designed and how did the blockchain make a difference for the gaming industry?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Already answered in my previous messages

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What is the use of NFTs on #IOI, can you do staking or what, then what are the benefits of long-term #IOI NFT holders?

Rastislav BakalaRastislav Bakala

Play free race, win a IOI , become premium member- get all advice from team manager and buy your NFTs . Thanks to this you can build your passive income for free. Because if you hold our NFTs you getting daily staking rewards.

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

Marketing is central to every project, so that people know the potential it has to offer is vital to achieving its goals. What is the strategy of the IOI to attract new users and Investors to your platform and retain them for the long term?

David AchbergerDavid Achberger

Marketing is strong part of our project, we work with the top influencers, projects in gaming and crypto, we work hard with our team to build the best user experience as is technicaly possible right now. Main reasons we retain users is the never ending developement of already existing products but also new producst coming each quarter that are level up everytime.
Thank you for your questions community. It was a pleasure to have this many questions and interest in our project. We will be happy to answer any other questions in our telegram group. https://t.me/IOIGAME

Nick (CryptoDiffer)Nick (CryptoDiffer)

Thanks for your time