04 Sep 202014:08
Evanesco AMA Recap

Evanesco AMA Recap

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Hello, everyone!😁

We are glad to meet here:

Kiril Ivanov, Founder and technical lead

Cynthia de Wolf, Marketing lead

Steven Gillis, Advisor

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

Hi all, πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ good to be here

Kiril IvanovKiril Ivanov

hey all

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Welcome Kiril, Cynthia and Steven, thank you for taking your time today!

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

Pleasure is ours

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Our team has prepared 3 questions for you to start with
Can we start?

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

yes go ahead

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)


Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf


Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

let's start with the introduction
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

sure, we are a collection of experts in crypto, technology and insurance ready to bring web3.0 to the insurance industry πŸ€“

Steven GillisSteven Gillis

Hi guys, I'm Steven, Product Lead at Bright Union. I'm a corporate consultant turned Tech-nerd. My path went from working 70+ hours in a suit to building a digital healthcare ecosystem in Africa.

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

I'm Cynthia. Marketing lead. +10 yrs experience. Tech enthusiast + tree hugger. Started in the social good sector, acquired the lean + growth mindset there. Later freelancer / digital nomad & experience in other crypto projects

Kiril IvanovKiril Ivanov

Hey I'm Kiril, a techie with 20+years of experience and 5 years building for blockchain

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Now let's take a glance on the project itself
Q2: Can you introduce Bright Union to us?

Kiril IvanovKiril Ivanov

Bright Union is a DeFi coverage (β€œinsurance'') aggregation platform, where you can compare, buy and sell crypto coverages. There are two functions:
1. Cover: As a crypto user you can easily protect your capital from hacks, smart contract fails, and rug pulls.
2. Stake: Crypto users can also provide coverage to other users (by staking) and earn for being an 'insurer'.

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Thanks for the answer!
now the final question before the community part!
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?

Steven GillisSteven Gillis

As a DeFi coverage aggregator, partnerships with the underlying platforms are super important. We have partnerships with the four biggest coverage platforms and integration has started. We met the following technical milestones:
Nexus Mutual β€” integration 100% πŸš€
Bridge Mutual β€” integration at 80% 🏎
Cover Protocol β€” integration at 20% πŸ‡
InsurAce β€” integration to start

Sure, both our token and our app are currently running on testnet and will be deployed to mainnet before the IDO on August 5th. πŸ”₯

Feature already delivered are: BRIGHT Staking (accessible Friday August 6th), buying and comparing covers (Available late August/Early Septermber)

Steven GillisSteven Gillis

I just want to highlight the IDO is tomorrow
Whitelists for IDO have closed already. Public sale will open on #Uniswap tomorrow 14:00 UTC
Public Sale Price $0.10
Initial Market Cap $120,000
The BRIGHT token will be available on UniSwap

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Thank you for your answers!

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

πŸ“Œ In order to receive AMA rewards, you must join Bright Union's Telegram group πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/brightunion

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

How's Bright risk index different from other risk index in the industry? What benefits does users derive by spreading all their funds across insurance providers and risks pools?

Steven GillisSteven Gillis

Great question!

We offer our Bright Union index, where you stake automatically in a basket of different protocols so you diversify your risk and we automatically select the best staking opportunities in the market! πŸš€

We entered a hackaton where we worked on the Bright Risk Index MVP. During @ETHGlobal
's #Hackmoney2021, Bright Union has won the Nexus Mutual πŸ₯‡πŸ†

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

In 2 days time your staking will go live, this is interesting, can you tell us what the APY will look like at launch? Will it benefit early participants and what's the minimum amount a user can stake?

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

Correct, Bright Staking will be possible on the 6th of August. You can start staking from 0.1 BRIGHT. See the visual below for the Bright Staking APY Calculations, they look quite interesting imo

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

As a community driven project and me a developer am interested in contributing to the project, do you have such programs?

Steven GillisSteven Gillis

Hi Johnny, please get in touch with me if you are an experienced solidity developer. Then you can join us on our πŸš€

Any substantial contributions to our success can be rewarded through our ambassador program: https://twitter.com/bright_union/status/1420057176345825285

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

I understand that Bright Union is based on decentralized Ethereum for the purpose of making the supply chain more transparent. How will Bright Union fulfill its transparency goal? And how different is Bright Union from Nexus, Bridge, and others?

Kiril IvanovKiril Ivanov

Good question, the thing is we’re not competing Nexus Mutual, Bridge Mutual, Insurace and others. Instead, we integrate with them and offer to the users the best conditions all these have, comparing them and making a professional advice based on the on-chain data. In fact, we’re even plan to *help* them in terms of providing (or *accelerating*) them with additional capital from or Treasury, so they can sell the covers cheaper. In short - we’re making love, not war πŸ™‚

Cryptodiffer CommunityCryptodiffer Community

What does your roadmap for 2021-22 look like? Name some important milestones you are hoping to achieve?

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

1. IDO we are launching tomorrow!
Dont forget to #jointheunion for updates πŸ‘‰ https://t.me/brightunion

2. Main Net Launch: begin september
Bright Union started first and foremost with product development. We have thousands of lines of code written and Bright Union Main Net will go live beginning of september. We will go live with 3 platforms: Nexus Mutual, Bridge Mutual and Cover Protocol.

3. Bright Union Index Funds - September
Truly revolutionary the Bright Union Index funds. An NFT positions representing a sliced, diversified and weighted risk package an investment opportunity for crypto users with superb risk reward ratio

Q3/Q4 2021 - we will further revolutionize the crypto risk markets but we will keep this to ourselves for now but we are sure this will blow your minds!!

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Thank you for the AMA

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

that went quick

Myko (CryptoDiffer)Myko (CryptoDiffer)

Thank you to everyone who took part!
for sure

Kiril IvanovKiril Ivanov

thanks for questions guys and gals here!

Cynthia De WolfCynthia De Wolf

if we didn't answer your questions, feel free to ask them after the Ama or in our telegram


It was our honour and pleasure to collectively discuss Bright Union with you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

We are severely impressed by the quality of the questions. Its clear that you have a strong and intelligent crypto community!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ