02 Sep 202017:08

Black Hole AMA Recap
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!😁 
We are glad to meet here:
Hardeep Singh, CEO at Blackhole
Hardeep Singh
Hello Everyone, 
Thank you so much for your warm welcome 😍
It's a great privilege to be a part of this #AMA
I am very excited 🔥🔥
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Super! Thank you for your time! 
I guess we can start!
Hardeep Singh
Thank you so much for your support & love towards BlackHole Protocol 😍 
Let's Start Now!! 🔥🔥
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Okie, we made up 5 questions to start with! 
Let's start with the introduction
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Hardeep Singh
Sure, Why Not! Let me give a brief introduction myself. 😊 
Hi, CryptoDiffer Community!! 🔥
Founder and CEO of the BlackHole Protocol. I have more than 5 years of experience in the BlockChain Industry. I have Completed many ICO, & IEO & raise millions of dollars. I have a very deep connection with Crypto Jane & other Cryptocurrency Celebrities. I am also the owner of a Marketing Company in India & USA.
My team is full of young entrepreneurs. We are committed to the success of every project we work on.
#Done with the Introduction.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Superb! you have a nice background behind) 
Hardeep Singh
Yes, it is! 🚀 🔥 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Let's move on to the project itself 
Q2: Can you introduce Blackhole to us?
Hardeep Singh
Sure, It's an owner to represent BlackHole Protocol in this Great Community 🔥 🚀 
Blackhole Protocol is an approval-free cross-chain burning platform based on the #Ethereum network. Any user or project governor could create a burning pool by holding BLACK and old token LP to permanently burn the old Token and mint a new token, thus gaining ecological vitality and rewards.
Blackhole Protocol originates from the Ethereum network and gradually spreads to #Polkadot, #BSC, #Heco, #SOL, and eventually the whole blockchain World.
The creator holds X tokens and Black Token to create a black hole burn pool without a license. This burning mechanism will miny new token Y which is used as a reward when using the burning method.
This is a short introduction about #BLACK 🔥 🚀
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Great! thank you for your answer! 
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Hardeep Singh
My Pleasure! 😉 
Nice one, let me grab some information.
The Mission of the Blackhole Protocol is to spread the Word BLACK all over the World and to list #BLACK Tokens in all major Exchanges like #Binance, #Kucoin, #CoinBase, and many others.
Milestone Of #BLACK Token -
BlackHole Protocols #DAPP have reached several milestones in the past few days. First of all we have done the main algorithm for our contract and we have integrated our DAPP to #Web3's contract.
Milestone Reached -
Single Token Burning
Liquidity Mining for both Heco and BSC
Development on OkexChain
Cross- Chain Protocol
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thank you for detailed explanation 
Now let's get deeper in this topic
Q4: What are the most proud things of BlackHole Protocol so far? What is the solution of BlackHole Protocol for users?
Hardeep Singh
Thank you so much for your support. 😍 🔥 
It's an Amazing Question,
We are based in Singapore, with a global perspective and a strong focus on the Asian market, with excellent institutions from Japan, Malaysia and Thailand among our seed round investors, and are proud to be working with the great community in Vietnam, China and in ASIA.
We have a deep connection with bounce.finance, NULS, ChainSwap and many others. We have many Institutions that are already Invested in BLACK and make it a great prject.
Check Details Below- https://blackholeprotocol.medium.com/blackhole-protocol-milestones-and-dapp-updates-78ebc9d29dad
The Solutions is -
Any user or project governor could create a burning pool by holding #BLACK and old token LP to permanently burn the old Token into a new Token.
Whenever we do a cooperative burning with a project we count 1 deflationary cycle.
#Black #Token is a special burning economic system that follows the geometric progression convergence model, in which all of Black Token will undergo a “deflationary cycle”. After 15 deflationary cycles, the tokens will be left less than 5%, and the value of the token will increase infinitely with the “deflationary cycle”.
#Done with this question. 😉
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
What an answer 
We need to move on to the last question before the community part
Q5: Could you tell us more information about the partnership of BlackHole Protocol? What are the benefits of those partnerships?
Hardeep Singh
Sure, let's go ahead. 🚀 
Sure, Nice question again!!
BlackHole Protocol works closely with support partners including Bounce.Finance, WeStarter, Helmet.Insure, #ChainSwap and #Nuls. They also provide more support & resources to create an approval-free decentralized & cross-chain burning protocol.
BlackHole Protocol has closed the strategic funding round with participation from NGC Ventures, #Power Law Capital, AU21 Capital, X21 Digital, ShinChan, #Oasis Capital, Crypto Times, 0xAlpha Capital, and BigCoin Capital, gate.io, MXC Exchange, Redline Capital, WinKrypto and Heartbit.
These all are the Partners of BlackHole Protocol & in near future, we will provide liquidity of UniSwap, Index Exchange & Pancakes, more partners will be on board in the future.
Here is the List of All Partners.
#Done with this answer also. 🔥
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
super! it was a great introduction 
Hardeep Singh
Thank you so much 😍 
Cryptodiffer Community
IF THE BEAR MARKET COMES will your token PROBABLY DUMP? Do you have any plan to prepared for this bear market? How will you handle the panic sell ? 
Hardeep Singh
BLACK is a governance token which uses BlackHole deflation burning mechanism schematic. 
Strong Marketing & a great business plan is provided by NGC Ventures, Crypto Times, Au21Capital, Bitcoin Capital & many more.
The goal of these partnerships is to spread the BlackHole Protocol all over the World. Our Marketing Campaigns will be running shortly, to provide the strength & user base to BlackHole Protocol.
Marketing features, business Plans, Future Partnerships & techniques are the benefits provided by these Institutions.
The usage of the #BLACK token will be increasing in coming days as well as price will be increasing, #BLACK also supports NFT reward burning. So, the demand will be increasing
Cryptodiffer Community
Blackhole is a very interesting projects so if I may ask what is the idea behind this project, why was it created, and do you have any plan to include NFT in your project? 
Hardeep Singh
#BLACK also supports NFT reward burning. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Blackhole has strong backers and partnerships including NGC Ventures, Crypto Times, Au21 Capital, Helmet, ChainSwap, Gate.io, MXC and more. What are the main purposes of these partnerships and what are the goals that will bring to the ecosystem. Also what are the benefits these companies gets from the Blackhole project and how users can benefit from these partnerships? 
Hardeep Singh
With the rapid expansion of the Defi ecosystem, considerable traffic and users have flooded in. In parallel with the DeFi boom, more eco-tokens are accumulating on-chain, with new mainchain ecosystems and loads of applications emerging. Such a situation means that tokens are continuously issued and glutted in the defi world, overwhelming the capacity of the Defi world. Correspondingly, the blockchain world could use the recast to burn and rebirth these materials, bringing surging drive to the originally overloaded ecology. 
We are very confident about our success in the future because we have a business plan that is recognized by the NGC Ventures and Crypto Times, Au21 Capital, ShinChan, 7"O Capital and many big names in Crypto Industry.
And we have definite confidence in our technical support because our team is very strong with a deep connection with Bounce.finance, Helmet, ChainSwap, WeStarter, Anti-Matter, Gate.io & MXC Exchange.
Cryptodiffer Community
What is biggest focus for your project at the moment and what is the number one priority for your project in the next few months? 
Hardeep Singh
In order to establish the branding effect and enlarge the range of influence of the BlackHole Protocol as well as building the long-term comment sense of the ecology of the BlackHole Protocol, we decide to enforce our BlackHole Protocol Global Ambassador Recruitment Plan. The plan is facing the Self-media KOLS in the DeFi vertical sector, rating agencies, community opinion leaders, social software administrators, video podcasters, and other domains in the DeFi vertical sector. 
Our main focussed is Community, we will make a huge community for all the people whether they are traders, investors & crypto enthusiasts. We have good technical support for our community. We are here to win the faith!!
Cryptodiffer Community
.How will the depositing new tokens to promote burning affect the burn pool and How will liquidity increase as the combustion progresses? 
Hardeep Singh
Please check the below official announcement, this will give support to your answer. 
We are pleased to inform you that the 1st version of BlackHole Protocol, V0.1 Fermion, has been fully developed.
We are planning to launch with the first single token burning pool and the "IBO" (Initial Burning Offering) sub-module in a few days.
check more👉https://blackholeprotocol.medium.com/blackhole-protocol-introduction-e704a3dc8413
Cryptodiffer Community
To be honest the "Burning Mechanism" is not something really new, so many projects do the same, so can you tell us why are you special in comparision with others? What have your burning mechanism that cannot be found in other places? 
Hardeep Singh
We have great Milestones as well as great Partners on the Board who will give support to #BLACK Tokens. 
Here is the link for the Milestones we achieved soo far! Please check it out.
Details https://blackholeprotocol.medium.com/blackhole-protocol-milestones-and-dapp-updates-78ebc9d29dad
Cryptodiffer Community
Who is already a Black Hole customer? How do they rate Black Hole ? 
Hardeep Singh
BlackHole Protocol has closed the strategic #funding round with participation from NGC Ventures, Power Law Capital, AU21 Capital, X21 Digital, ShinChan, Oasis Capital, Crypto Times, 0xAlpha Capital, and BigCoin Capital, gate.io, MXC Exchange, Redline Capital, WinKrypto and Heartbit. 
#Done with the best Answeres.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Super! We were really pleased to host this AMA 
Thank you for your answers
Hardeep Singh
It's a Great #AMA, Too many questions. 🔥🔥 
Sorry, not to answer all. There are many questions.
Thank you so much for your support & for this #AMA
Awesome #AMA
Thank you so much All.
Thank you Community 🚀 🔥
You are the #BEST
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