16 Oct 202123:32

Amasa AMA Recap
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Hello, everyone!😁 
We are glad to meet here:
Sylvan, Core Contributor
Chirag, Core Contributor
Hello everyone. Thanks for having us! 
Hi Everyone, we're happy to be here and being able to talk to you all about the project 
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Welcome Sylvan and Chirag, thank you for taking your time today! 
Let's start with some introductory questions
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Sure. I am core-contributor in Amasa involving tech side and having more than 15 years of experience in software development industry and I have been involved in the crypto space since early 2017. My initial involvement in the space was just via investment in Bitcoin and then later on got involved in Blockchain development. 
Hi everyone, I’m Sylvan, one of the 5 core contributors that have been with the project for 3+ years. We also have 3 additional full time contributors. I am the content and community lead, and Chirag is the technical lead. The other core contributors are Will (project management and ecosystem development), James as the digital strategy and marketing lead. and Scott (partnerships and business development) 
The core contributors have all been active in the crypto space since 2017 but we all came together in 2018 with the initial idea for Amasa. It was driven by an awareness of the huge potential for new income generating streams from decentralised Web 3 platforms and networks that share value among participants.
But we also saw some key problems that would need to be addressed - to make them more accessible and valuable for anyone to be able to use. Otherwise there are so many barriers to entry for people new to the space, which is still the vast majority. Value volatility, fragmented ecosystem, and lack of relative value of a micro stream of income are these key problems we saw needing to be solved to accelerate the growth of Web3 as a competitive option to existing platforms. Ultimately the aim is to enable value generation and wealth creation from micro income streams to become the new normal.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks for the introduction) 
Now let's take a look on the project
Q2: Can you introduce Amasa to us?
Sure. Amasa is the world's first micro income stream investment platform connecting users to multiple income providers at the intersection of Web 3.0 and DeFi. It’s ultimate aim is to empower anyone in the world to capture and amplify the value creation possibilities generated from their time, energy, attention, content, data, and interactions. 
Micro income streams offer a whole new set of opportunities to earn income from online activities such as play-to-earn gaming (eg Axie Infinity), web browsing/ad viewing (eg Brave), sharing their data (eg Swash), social networking (eg Sapien) and other normal online activities that you might already be doing. If you enjoy any of these activities, Amasa offers a unique wealth-building opportunity.
Amasa automatically combines user micro income streams direct to a single account. This makes it easier to track and access various income streams in one place from a smartphone. The Amasa app also stabilises the value of incoming cryptocurrencies to protect against volatility, by instantly converting them to stablecoins. Finally, Amasa amplifies the value of these earnings by leveraging a range of DeFi protocols.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Okie, thanks for the explanation 
Now let's move on to the last introductory question
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
In terms of milestones already achieved, we are incredibly proud of the ecosystem partnerships that we have secured and the high calibre of backers and advisors that quickly understood the enormous potential of the Amasa platform. 
Animoca Brands is our lead investor, and we have a set of top blockchain VC funds as investors including :
Animoca Brands (lead investor)
OKEx Block Dream Ventures
SkyVision Capital
Spark Digital Capital
Momentum 6
LD Capital
Double Peak
Maeve Ventures
ZBS Capital
Moonwhale Ventures
As angel investors we have Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder Polygon and Gabby Dizon, co-founder Yield Guild Games. The Amasa app will be built on Polygon and Chainlink; will be powered by Quickswap for our stabilise component; and utilise DeFi integrations with Synthetix, Enzyme, Staked, dHedge and others
Our advisors include Sameep Singhania, co-founder Quickswap; Reza Naeeni, co-founder and CEO Swash; Niki Ariyasinghe, Chainlink Labs; and George Samman, co-founder Geora.io.
In terms of the future roadmap, We’re currently developing the technical foundations of the Amasa platform with support from our partners, and will forge ahead with this as top priority after our upcoming IDO.
Launching the Amasa app live is the most important milestone for us. We know our community will want to see it and we want to bring investment streaming to the crypto, gaming and NFT communities asap. We plan to launch that first version of the Amasa app in Q1 2022.
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
What Problems does Web 3.0 platforms solves for users? Why do you think platforms like these have the capacity to meaning fully impact one's quality of life & Financial Position? 
There are a number of really important problems that Web 3.0 and Amasa solves for users. Web 3.0 is characterised by decentralisation and a transition to genuinely open, trustless, and permissionless networks. 
Open networks are those based on open source software so that the network developers and the community of users have full view of the nature of the platforms they’re using. Trustless networks are those that allow participation and interaction without the need for any trusted third party. Permissionless means that anyone can participate in the network without the need for authorisation from a central organisation or governing body.
Added into this mix of novel technologies and decentralised models, is the fact that blockchain technologies also facilitate low cost peer to peer transactions outside the traditional banking infrastructure. While high international banking transaction fees essentially ruled out the viability of low cost repeat transactions in the past - that has all now changed.
Cryptodiffer Community
Would there be an AMAS community governance token ? What power would AMAS holders have and would holders be able to participate in participate in the Amasa DAO by submitting proposals ? 
AMAS is a governance token. Holding the token will provide community governance opportunities including initiating proposals and voting on new developments such as new DeFi protocol integrations, or implementation of new features that create value for the community. Rewards and other value-add features will be added if the community wishes to vote these into place. 
So Web 3.0 enables people to finally earn real value from their time and online interactions that was previously all going to a few big tech companies. And Amasa makes that process seamless through the Combine, Stablise, and Amplify features of the platform so people can earn genuine and meaningful income streams 
Cryptodiffer Community
I realized that in your website appear the name of polygon, so is this the only chain that you support? Also can you explain us what is the role of synthetix company? Do you have planned integrate NFTs or Synthetic assets? 
That’s a great question. It made the most sense for us to start on Ethereum - the number of quality projects and proven track record is undeniable. But we are chain agnostic and absolutely committed to building out the platform to be able to work on any chain to provide as many opportunities as possible for new users to enter this world. Polygon was an early supporter and partner of Amasa and we are working closely with them to gain the benefit from their layer 2 solution. Ultimately the goal for everyone is cross chain compatibility and while we start with Ethereum and Polygon for L2, we will be integrating other chains where Web3 projects are being widely built and used to earn micro income streams. 
We have been impressed by what Synthetix has achieved to date and we do have an affiliation with them so it makes sense for us to start with sUSD and build on Synthetix to integrate their suite of products as applicable. sUSD won't be the only stable coin integrated - it is just the starting point.
Cryptodiffer Community
Does your great project support staking program? If yes. how is your stake system work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform? 
Yes, we are excited to announce that we will be incorporating a staking program for our AMAS holders. We are currently in the process of finalizing the contracts for that process so that soon after the conclusion of the IDO we will be making announcements about how users will be able to stake their tokens for additional AMAS rewards. Keep an eye on our Announcement channel for that information 
Cryptodiffer Community
✅ A few days ago you you published the great news that Amasa has raised $1.5 million from a set of powerful investors. Can you tell us about this breakthrough? What projects and investment funds were behind it? What plans do you have now with this capital? 
Yes, we were really thrilled by the interest and support we received from some really high calibre VCs in the space 
The full list of funds and supporters were:
Animoca Brands (lead investor)
OKEx Block Dream Ventures
SkyVision Capital
Spark Digital Capital
Momentum 6
Sandeep Nailwhal, Co-Founder of Polygon (angel)
Gabby Dizon, Co-Founder of Yield Guild Games (angel)
LD Capital
Double Peak
Maeve Ventures
ZBS Capital
Moonwhale Ventures.
We will be using the capital raised to continue developing the technical aspects of the product, which we will be looking to launch in Q1 next year. We are also onboarding new technical, business development, and marketing staff. Our new business development hire has also been securing some great new ecosystem partners so keep an eye out over the next week or so as we'll be able to make some great announcements on that front
Cryptodiffer Community
Q1. The NFT space is still in its infancy considering that it is a huge future market. Apart from the Play-to-Earn gaming that recently took off, what other plans do you have to continue adopting NFTs on the Amasa platform? 
Q2. How does Amasa intend to simplify things for new users/participants just coming to the crypto space? How will you guys overcome barriers to mass adoption?
Yes the NFT space is incredibly exciting. 
Cryptodiffer Community
What are the steps to become a part of your community, and start getting revenues? Where do we buy, where do we sign up? This looks like an amazing project! 
You can follow us on our social to join our community and for updates. 
- Telegram community: https://t.me/amasa_community
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/amasa_io
- Telegram announcements: https://t.me/amasa_updates
- Website: https://www.amasa.io/
- Medium: https://amasa.medium.com/
With so many exciting developments occurring across the NFT landscape, Amasa will continue to look for the best NFT projects to integrate. This will allow Amasa users in the future to link income generating NFT projects across the gaming, DeFi, or any other space where revenue or yield possibilities exist. 
And best of all, just as it does with other micro income streams, Amasa will allow users a simplified process to combine NFT-based income into one single easy to track and access platform. All the possibilities of NFTs distilled into the simplicity of Amasa.
Just some of the existing and near term possibilities for income streams derived from NFTs include:
DeFi - Protocols that allow users to deposit ERC tokens into interest bearing NFTs; or
Gaming - a gaming avatar could act as a container that included special items, traits, or abilities that had been earned in a game and could be bought and sold to other players
And in terms of simplifying things for new users, we are currently working on a Gitbook entry that will break down all the important information for new users about how the Amasa platform works and what the best steps are to get started with micro income streams
Cryptodiffer Community
Can you tell us about your marketing strategy as AMASA? 
Our marketing objectives are to both (a) promote the Amasa project, but also (b) raise awareness of micro income streams and the wealth-building potential of Web 3.0. So when we’re putting together content strategies, articles, social media content, press releases etc, we’re always thinking about delivering on both of these objectives. 
Cryptodiffer Community
Many new projects are risky and subject to smart contracts bugs and vulnerability . Can you assure us What steps has been taken for safety of your platform and have you done any Audit? 
Security is something that we take very seriously as we know that the security of our funds, token and users is paramount to the project being successful. If we overlook any of those aspects then it would have a very detrimental effect on our long term success. We have had all our smart contracts audited by Certik, the best in the business. And we will continue to audit all future contracts and take all necessary security precautions to ensure we are always prioritising security. 
Cryptodiffer Community
⚛ In your Rewards & Incentives section says that users are able to obtain "POINTS" if they do the right actions, but can you explain us what are the usage of these POINTS? Also I read that you have TIER system, so can you tell us what are all the tiers available and their benefits? 
We are not yet able to announce the exact nature of our rewards and incentive system other than to say that creating an engaging and rewarding platform is definitely a high priority for the project. Having gamification and rewards elements will help us to enocourage users to sign up to new micro income streams and increase the value of those streams 
Cryptodiffer Community
1. Amasa will be having a Dual IDO tomorrow 28th September on Chainboost and Trustpad. What do you think will be benefit of having a Dual IDO? Will there be a public round for those not whitelisted? And what will be the next focus for Amasa after the Dual IDO? 
2. The third phase of the Amasa platform is "AMPLIFY". Why did Amasa intend to integrate AMPLIFY on the platform? And what will users be able to do with AMPLIFY?
The Dual IDO was chosen simply to give a wider section of the public the opportunity to participate. With many launchpads today, there are requirements to be a part of that launchpad prior to the launch so by spreading it across multiple launchpads we are just giving more people in the community the opportunity to take part 
No there, won't be a separate public round for those who aren't whitelisted so its important that people who want to participate get on the whitelists
Here's the link to join the Trustpad whitelist https://trustpad.io/#pools
- Telegram community: https://t.me/amasa_community 
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/amasa_io
- Telegram announcements: https://t.me/amasa_updates
- Website: https://www.amasa.io/
- Medium: https://amasa.medium.com/
Myko (CryptoDiffer)
Thanks for the ama! 
No problem, thank you for hosting us. The community asked a lot of great questions and we hope we were able to provide some details and additional information for everyone 
Thanks everyone. It was great questions and thanks for having us. 
Everyone who is interested in participating in the IDO, be sure to join the whitelist before they close and keep an eye on our Telegram groups for more project information and announcments. Thank you everyone