02 Sep 202004:08

Cryptodiffer Team
Hello, everyone!😁 
We are glad to meet here:
Erman Tjiputra, CEO & Founder at AIOZ,
Erman Tjiputra
Hello! Sorry for the delay 
Cryptodiffer Team
Welcome Erman, thank you for taking your time today! 
no worries!
Erman Tjiputra
Thank you for inviting me to your community 
Cryptodiffer Team
Our pleasure! Our team has prepared 4 questions for you to start with! 
Erman Tjiputra
to share AIOZ Network 
Cryptodiffer Team
Let`s start with the introduction ! 
Q1: Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Erman Tjiputra
My name is Erman Tjiputra 
Founder and CEO of AIOZ
AIOZ is a DeepTech company in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
We are a team of highly talented Blockchain back end engineers, front end developers and AI scientists with academia collaborations with top universities in the world. We publish Whitepapers accepted in Rank A peer-reviewed Conferences.
Thank you
Cryptodiffer Team
Perfect! I think let's use the opportunity and talk more about AIOZ 
Q2: Can you introduce AIOZ to us?
Erman Tjiputra
Let me add some color to the meaning of AIOZ 
AIOZ stands for
A - Z = A to Z
IO - Input Output ( Core computing interface)
AI First ( artifticial Intelligence)
AIOZ has built AIOZ Network
AIOZ Network is a Layer 1 Blockchain Based Content Delivery Network establishing a core foundation for the digital content ecosystem using blockchain + p2p + smart contracts
AIOZ Network uses p2p edge nodes to build a content delivery network to store, transcode & delivery digital media content
Costs Savings are instant for dApps aka Digital media platforms like Netflix, Spotify
because computing costs are distributed amongst the p2p nodes
the viewer experience will be enhanced when the p2p nodes are edge to edge, as latency is reduced. and milliseconds matters
ref: Cost Savings on AIOZ Network
babyshark on YouTube with 20 billion views on Google Cloud costs $20 million dollars
babyshark on YouTube with 20 billion views on AIOZ Network costs 890K
a costs savings for YouTube which leads to incremental earnings for YouTube to be distributed amongst content creators, bonus for employees, content acquisition
Thank you
Cryptodiffer Team
Q3: Let`s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans? 
Erman Tjiputra
Please Allow me to share our past milestones 
2017 - Whitepaper 1st draft, POC established, Tendermint Framework as core foundation for AIOZ Network blockchain
3 Blockchain Streaming PTC Patents & 1 Fiat-Crypto PTC Patents filed in 2018 and Awarded in 2020
in 2021, Test Net Blockchain rollout- Wallet, blockchain Explorer, dApp ( AIOZ.Tube)
2nd April 2021 IDO +34,956% ROI Public Sales ROI in history of all cryptos
2021 Technical Road Map
- Edge node to include Transcoding on GPU -> Live streaming ( Transcoding on the fly)
- WebRTC implementation
- AIOZ DEX for dApps Tokesn & NFTs
2021 Business Development RoadMap
- onboarding digital content media owners to deploy digital media content to have adoption utility of @AIOZ
AIOZ network has a pipeline of content owners in the works. the most recent development was Big Cat Entertainment. with a 80 miillion views on YouTube Monthly
BD News will be revealed in due time and very exciting for AIOZ Network nodes to be rewarded with $AIOZ
however do note, currently AIOZ Network is on testnet
when AIOZ Network go Mainnet, all $AIOZ will be $AIOZ tokens that will be of medium of $
I like to take this opportunity to address the Test Net Functionality with the community
AIOZ Network Test Net is a blockchain environment for AIOZ Network Nodes and dApp (in this case AIOZ.Tube) interaction
There are very highly technical challenges and issues to be address before AIOZ Network go Mainnet. as the dApps the content owners require a high level of service from our AIOZ Network. as our nodes will be rewarded with $AIOZ for the computational tasks.
the problem statements are as follows:
- constant flux of uptime/down time of edge nodes
- malicious actors intentionally harming AIOZ Network
AIOZ Network engineers are addressing the problem statements methodically and logically
using latest techniques as well as AI
Artificial Intelligence is being utilized for optimization of nodes delivery of digital media content in IP Packets
therefore, TestNet Tokens on Edge Nodes will be taken into consideration for conversion to Mainnet . the ratio will be finalized at Mainnet.
Thank you
before i end the Question
CEX is going to be on our road map as well in the coming months.
Please follow our official announcements channels
Cryptodiffer Team
Perfect, thank you for an answer 
the last question from us before we start community questions round
Q4: Recently I saw that you stated in your sm channels that you giving up your patents to support the open-source movement.
Can you tell us a bit more about it?
Erman Tjiputra
When AIOZ Network setout the path to integrate blockchain with Media in 2017 
we studied , reverse engineered then exisitng blockchains and techniques from Theta, Livepeer ( sidechain of ETH) . Video coin , Bitorrrent Tron
we also understood AI deeply in deep learning
we wanted to apply AI in what we do yet how do we do it
Transcoding tasks is a highly intensive computational resource tasks
we wanted to enhance the proofing of this particular tasks so we decided to apply AI
we applied for PTC in Singapore for the following patents: AI in Transcoding, Sharding and AIOZ Blockchain
indeed to be awarded, the patent has to be novel
we pass the criterias for PTC
in the months and years as we build up AIOZ Network, we realize what we did is impactful and done right, is going to be beneficial to all stakeholders. therefore we pivot from what we applied back then to where we are now. as we believe in the spirit of blockchain , we decided to not pursue claims of the patents .
there is one more patent we were awarded which has no relevance to AIOZ Network
which is a fiat-crypto technique
is novel and creative
however we are not going to pursue further claims as stated in our publication
Thank you
Cryptodiffer Team
Thank you for such detailed and interesting answers! 
It is time to move to the community questions part.
Cryptodiffer Community
You said AIOZ Network is a Layer-1 Blockchain-based Content Delivery Network that is about to bring a revolution to the entertainment industry. Could you please explain further? What does it mean to be called a Layer-1 blockchain based content delivery network and how is it different from Layer-2? 
Erman Tjiputra
AIOZ Network as a Layer 1 blockchain means AIOZ has built the core blockchain architecture based on Cosmos Tendermint. Layer 2 is the network that relies on Layer 1 
Layer 1 examples are Bitcoin, Ethererum
Layer 2 are the dApps
therefore AIOZ Network as Layer 1 will be able to build an AIOZ Dex that have dApps built on top of AIOZ Network that will be able to IDO using $AIOZ
Cryptodiffer Community
Is AIOZ Network competing with YouTube in any way or do you plan to collaborate with YouTube in any way? What distinguishes you from any of your competitors? 
Erman Tjiputra
AIOZ Network Nodes will be powering YouTube as a dApp in AIOZ Network Ecosystem. YouTube will reward AIOZ Network Edge Nodes with $AIOZ for the computational tasks performed 
Cryptodiffer Community
AIOZ is based on Cosmos/Tendermint. Will AIOZ able to bridge with other blockchain if needed for example Polkadott? 
Erman Tjiputra
AIOZ Blockchain has the inherent property of VMs. Virtual Machines which allows creation of Smart Contracts. therefore as long as other blockchains have VMs built in the foundation, AIOZ blockchain will be able to inteoperate with one another via bridges, swap portals and atomic swaps 
Cryptodiffer Community
Most investors are only interested in the short-term benefits of the project. What potential does #HODL Network have to attract long-term investors to invest in the project? 
Erman Tjiputra
AIOZ Network Stakeholders benefits when there is an acceleration of utility use case of $AIOZ which requires easy adoption of nodes and seamless integration of dApps. 
the more nodes AIOZ Network has, the more dApps are powered, there will be
an increase in demand of $AIOZ, naturally the price action reacts and our interests with all stakeholders are aligned.
AIOZ Network from the start has built a user friendly appilication that interfaces with blockchain and powers the dApps
AIOZ Network also understands Developers requirements as we are developlers. full stack.
Therefore “developer portal” will be created for developers with SDKs, API an documentations to onboard dApps seamlessly
Cryptodiffer Community
In what ways do you think AIOZ NETWORK contributes so that financial institutions can benefit from the advantages that DeFi offers? 
Erman Tjiputra
AIOZ network will be implementing a form shape size of Staking in the future with a touch of DeFI. We will study this carefully and implement correctly the use cases. if and when ready, we will announce in our official announcements 
Cryptodiffer Community
Q.Many projects rug pulled and exit scam recently. Why should investors trust your project not to do the same? 
Erman Tjiputra
I am sorry i cannot comment on other projects. however the security in blockchain lies in the user management of private keys because blockchain as a distributed ledger, security is a property of blockchain. 
Thank you
Cryptodiffer Team
Thanks for your time 
Erman Tjiputra
I am sorry if i cannot answer all of your Questions. 
Thank you Thank you!